International at UiT

Internationalisation is a tool for academic and personal development, and an important contributiuon to institutional learning at UiT. International cooperation contributes to quality through joint efforts, new ideas and exchange of experience.

UiT The Arctic University of Norway is a medium-sized research university that contributes to knowledge-based development at the regional, national and international level
UiT will be at the international forefront in the following areas of knowledge:
- Energy, climate, society and environment
- Technology
- Health, welfare and quality of life
- Community development and democratisation
- Sustainable use of resources
A good and creative learning environment: UiT will increase the recruitment of new students on regionally, nationally and internationally
UiT will be a research-driven university with researchers and research groups that are innovative and at the international research frontier in their fields, and have PhD programmes that are internationally competitive.
UiT will build knowledge and competence with international partners through education, research and artistic and professional development
Work environment and organisation: UiT will facilitate increased international mobility
International cooperation is a precondition in order for UiT The Arctic University of Norway to offer outstanding education and worldlleading research - students, employees researchers, academic groups and departments. | In this portal you will find information about international contacts, cooperation and possibilities at UiT. |

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Telephone: +47 7764 4000
UiT The Arctic University of Norway - SIS 6050 Langnes
NO-9037 TROMSØ, Norway
Visiting in Tromsø:
Øvre Lysthus, Huginbakken 11