UiT associated partner at MILBET project
A new industrial project where UiT is involved by laboratory testing of new sustainable concrete types.
Emphases on uptake of sustainable approaches in industry are suported by many funding agencies, companies themselves or banks. One of such an action led by Nordland Betong is now partly supported by all the project partners and Sparbank 1 Nord-Norge. Project MILBET "Miljo betong" |
Emphases on uptake of sustainable approaches in industry are suported by many funding agencies, companies themselves or banks. One of such an action led by Nordland Betong is now partly supported by all the project partners and Sparbank 1 Nord-Norge. Project MILBET "Miljo betong"With consortium consisting of project leader and main actor Nordland Betong -concrete producrr, Ostbo -waste management facility, Nordasfalt - asphalt and aggregates producer, Mapei- producer of building chemistry and Saferock -startup company producing new environmentally friendly cement sp.1 add there: Green platform or what was the call Is focused on reduction of concrete waste and its up-cycling by improved crushing and sorting methods that will lead toward concrete production with lowered environmental impact and carbon footprint.Entire project is planned for 3 years and will be supported by UiT researchers and its test facility, and CIC that will step up for dissemination of results towards various industries. All project partners look forward the project execution and successful story in the end. Such an ambitious project conducted in Northern Norway can gain hight visibility not only from industry but also contribute to education of bachelor and master students from Departm..... at UiT, campus Narvik.