
Low Carbon Concrete for Arctic Climate with Excellent Sustainability and Durability

Researchers from University of Oulu participated in a research seminar and conference

Adeolu Adediran and Priyadharshini Perumal, representing the University of Oulu, presented their research on sustainable concrete materials at the esteemed Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Conference (GRC) in California. 

Adeolu Adediran and Priyadharshini Perumal from the University of Oulu, were honored to present their research on sustainable construction materials at the Gordon Research Seminar and Conference held at Marriott Ventura Beach, California, from February 24 to March 1, 2024.

The presentation focused on the topic titled “Reactivity assessment of alternative raw materials available in the Nordics as SCMs in low carbon concrete”. As part of the project, the presentation emphasized the urgent need to identify and investigate other alternative raw materials in the Nordic that could replace the currently used conventional SCMs such as BFS and FA. The reason is due to high carbon emission associated with cement production and continuous dwindling of BFS and FA because of the green transition changes taking place in these sectors. Hence, University of Oulu investigated 15 alternative raw materials available in the Nordics as SCMs as a focus of WP1 from Ar2CorD.

The oral and poster sessions facilitated by Adeolu Adediran and Priyadharshini Perumal generated insightful discussions, questions, and suggestions from both the scientific and industrial communities. 

Moreover, the Gordon Research Seminar and Conference provided a valuable platform for Adeolu Adediran and Priyadharshini Perumal to disseminate the findings of the Ar2CorD project and build potential collaborations with like-minded researchers and industry professionals. 

Their participation exemplifies the University of Oulu's commitment to advancing sustainable construction practices and fostering interdisciplinary dialogue to tackle global environmental challenges. These exchanges highlighted the significance of their research in addressing sustainability challenges in the construction sector and exploring innovative pathways towards low carbon concrete production.