
Low Carbon Concrete for Arctic Climate with Excellent Sustainability and Durability

Ar2CorD Seminar

30th of May 2024 at 10:00 – 12:15 (GMT, IS)

An online event, the link will be provided after registration

A seminar about Low Carbon Concrete for Arctic Climate with Excellent Sustainability and Durability. The seminar is organized on the 30th of May 2024 as a part of the Ar2CorD project (, financed by Interreg NPA and project partners. 

Event link: Ar2CorD Seminar | UiT

Free registration on the following link: 




Program (please note that times shown are in GMT, i.e., Reykjavik time)

10:00    Opening
RU representative | Reykjavik University, IS

10:05   Potential alternatives for local binder and aggregate materials

Adeolu Adediran, PhD |University of Oulu, FI

10:20   Volcanic Pozzolan Iceland in low carbon concrete

Ingrid Vik Jondahl | Heidelberg Materials Sement Norge, NO

10:35   A traditional mixing and regulations in Greenland

Jonas L.H. Nielsen| Permagreen Grønland A/S, GL

10:50   Frost resistance of low carbon concrete

Prof. Olafur Haralds Wallevik | Reykjavik University, IS

11:05   Break

11:15   Can we enhance accelerated freeze and thaw testing for low-carbon concrete? Experimental campaign outline

Magdalena Rajczakoska, PhD | Luleå University of Technology, SE

12:30   Freeze-thaw resistance of low carbon concrete and effect of carbonation and air content

Einar Einarsson | BM Valla ehf, IS

12:45   Freeze thaw testing of low carbon concrete according to SS137003

Jonas Carlsward | Heidelberg Materials Sweden AB, SE

12:00   Long-term durability monitoring station establishment at Narvik harbour

Rekik Derso, PhD candidate | UiT The Arctic University of Norway, NO


For any missing information, contact Rekik Derso, email: