Boosting Space Business

Aurora Region Space Economy Ecosystem (AuroraSpace)

This project includes the Norwegian participation in the Aurora Space project. The Aurora Space consortium of university and research institutes in Finland, Sweden and Norway focuses on the developing space innovation ecosystem in the Aurora Interreg region for boosting space business.

By mapping/modelling the region’s space innovation ecosystem and then supporting components within it, the project will produce stronger and focused communications and networking paths to build a more cohesive space economy ecosystem across the Aurora region. We will actively manage the innovation ecosystem to organize it and broadly share its existence globally benefiting the area’s space business growth. The project will highlight cross- border structural impediments and/or existing commonalities to the space innovation ecosystem. The project will improve the commercial space ecosystem in the region and implement a space-supportive academia-industry education, mobility and exchange component to spur innovation and research network actions.

The project leader is University of Vaasa  in Finland and you can find more information here:
Participants in Norway are UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Norwegian Lead Partner), Nord University, and NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

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