Better Learning Program

The Better Learning Program (BLP) provide mental health care and educational support to children who live in a war zone or with ongoing crisis. NRC implements BLP in over 30 counties worldwide.

The Better Learning Program (BLP) is a collaboration between UiT The Arctic University of Norway and The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).

The program is school-based and consists of three different interventions:
BLP-1: Universal approach and classroom-based. Supporting students’ recovery after emergencies. All the students in the class gets training in detecting and regulate stress reactions.

BLP-2: Indicated and group-based: Supporting students’ recovery and improving study skills after emergencies. Students with reduced school functioning gets psychosocial and educational support.

BLP-3: Indicated, individual and group-based: Fighting traumatic nightmares and sleeping problems. Students with traumatic nightmares gets therapy, training and support.

BLP is based on universal principles of preventing post-traumatic stress reactions, components from trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) og special needs education:

  • Psychoeducation and normalization of stress reactions.
  • Relaxing techniques.
  • Coping strategies.
  • Social support/Parental involvement.
  • Learning strategies.
  • General and academic self-efficacy.
  • Modifying the teacher role with understanding how psychological trauma influence learning abilities.

RKBU Nord is involved in research projects in the Middle East.
