Better Learning Program


Students are bringing the revolution into the classroom!” teachers' and counselors’ perceptions of the need for psychosocial support in crisis-affected classrooms in Lebanon - ScienceDirect

Development and Psychometric Testing of the Student Learning... : Intervention Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas (

Full article: Measuring promotors of school functioning: Informing school-based psychosocial support for crisis-affected students in Lebanon (

Full article: Educational and psychosocial support for conflict-affected youths: The effectiveness of a school-based intervention targeting academic underachievement (

Prevalence and Characteristics of Posttraumatic Nightmares in War- and | NSS (



Educational briefs


Educational Response Brief 1: Educational response for students affected by COVID-19 – Using Better Learning Program (BLP) as an educational resource (April 2020)

Educational Response Brief 2: Helping children to deal with reactions from the Beirut explosion - Reflections on how to protect and support children (August 2020)

Educational Response Brief 3: Back to school during the COVID-19 pandemic: Reflections on how to provide support to reduce students’ fear (September 2020)

Educational Response Brief 4: Supporting Palestinian children after the May 2021 escalation – Reflections on psycho-social needs and how to design a school-based intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic (May 2021)

Educational Response Brief 6: Talking about the war in Ukraine: Suggestions for educators and parents (August 2023)

Educational Response Brief 7: School-based psychosocial support for students in Gaza – A research informed framework for providing support and identifying needs in the aftermath of the 2023 war (November 2023)

Educational Response Brief 8: Returning to learning following the ongoing war in Gaza – Supporting teachers and students in establishing new school routines and stimulating natural recovery (June 2024)