Mobility Program
To achieve the objectives of developing a comprehensive and multidisciplinary education and research programme the project sponsored two-way visit of many researchers betwwen the partner Institutes i.e. Birla Institute of Technology and Science, CSIR - IICT, IITKGP, India and Lehigh University US.
in the project. The visits are termed a as short term and long term where researchers participate in workshops/seminars and work on short projects in collaboration with researchers at the host institution.
2022: Short term visits from UiT to India : 1 post doc and 2 PhD researcher to IITKGP. Four PhD researchers to CSIR-IICT and BiTs Pilani,
2023 : Visit from India to UiT: 1 post doc and 1 PhD researcher from IITKGP; 2 Post doc resesrchers from CSIR-IIICT, two PhD resesrchers from BiTs pilani. Two PhD researchers from India to UiT spent 3 months contributing partly to the objectives of the project.
2024 : Research visit from India to UiT: two PhD researchers from BITS Pilani, spent one month and worked alongwith researchers at UiT. The short projects were jointly supervised between BiTS
2024: From Norway to BiTs Pilani : 1PhD researcher, 1 post doc researcher from UiT and 1 senior researcher from SINTEF, Narvik attend workshop and particpated in research seminar