
Research Visits

Research Visits & mobility to partner institutions and centres of excellence are main activities to support research tasks, researchers training, dissemniation actitvities.  These visits also combined with workshops, seminars and meeting with industry stakeholders. 

1) Visit to BITs Pilani & CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad 5-13 April 2022

The visit to BiTs Pilani and IICT to participate in  student semnar was arranged at BiTs Pilani. This diossemination activity was arranged jointkly wiht other two projects coordinated by UiT. The tour of the laboratoiries at CSIR-IICT were arranaged by Prof SV Mohan.  

2) Visit to IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India   13-20 December 2022  

UiT researchers and faculty visted to meet partners in IITKGP, India.  Detailed discussion on the progress of the project took place in the  annual progress meeting. Plans for  the two way  mobility of researchers between the two institutions were made. Future research collaboration and proposals for joint publications of the researchers work were planned. 

Two researchers from UiT Aritro Banerjee PhD stipendiat and Subhashis Das Post doc) spent short visit upto two weeks to work alongside reseasrchers at  the institute. 

3) Visit to IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India  17-21 March 2024

Dr Fasil Eregno and Post doctoral fellow Somil Thakur from UiT visited to IITKGP (India) for two weeks (17 -21 March) to interact with the research teams led by Prof  RK Sen and Prof.  M.Ghangrekar.  They also participated in the SPRING  Summit in Delhi, organised by our joint EU-India project. Both also visited SRKREC, College in Bhimavaram and the Godavari river basin. 

4) Visit to partners institutions in India 4-7 November  2024 

Prof Calay, Dr Harpal Singh from UiT and Dr Nga Dang from Sintef Norway visited BITS Pilani,  and CSIR in Hyderabad.  One PhD and one post doc researchers also participated in the visit.  The network was expanded by involving researchers from IIT Hyderabad for future collaboration.