Enzyme Discovery and Design

Publications and Patents


  • Greta Daae Sandsdalen, Animesh Kumar, Erik Hjerde :
    Exploring the Frozen Armory: Antiphage Defense Systems in Cold-Adapted Bacteria with a Focus on CRISPR-Cas Systems
    Microorganisms 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yvonne Piotrowski, Man Kumari Gurung, Atle Noralf Larsen :
    Characterization and engineering of a DNA polymerase reveals a single amino-acid substitution in the fingers subdomain to increase strand-displacement activity of A-family prokaryotic DNA polymerases
    BMC Molecular and Cell Biology 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yvonne Piotrowski, Kristel Berg, David P. Klebl, Ingar Leiros, Atle Noralf Larsen :
    Characterization of an intertidal zone metagenome oligoribonuclease and the role of the intermolecular disulfide bond for homodimer formation and nuclease activity
    FEBS Open Bio 2019 ARKIV / DOI


  • Larsen A.N., Piotrowski Y., “Position based increase in application relevant properties”. Patent application filed in UK December 2017
  • Larsen A.N., Piotrowski Y., Assefa N.G., Lanes O. ”Marine DNA polymerase”. Patent application filed in UK March 2016, Patent Application No. 1604876.1
  • Larsen A.N., Piotrowski Y., Willassen N.P., Lanes O., Lorentzen M.S., Solstad T., Andreassen E., Elde M. ”Heat Labile Exonucleases” International Patent Application, PCT/EP2015/001703