Open kindergarden
The Open Kindergarten is an educational initiative focused on health promotion and prevention. Its aim is to be a parent-supportive and network-building meeting place that promotes well-being, development, and health for preschool-age children and their parents/caregivers

Open kindergarten is different from typical kindergartens in that children attend the open kindergarten alongside a parent/caregiver. The open kindergarten is as a social arena where parents and children can meet other parents, children, and professionals. The open kindergarten offers a variety of activities aimed at meeting parents' needs, including information, skills, and support related to parenting and child development. These activities can be organized independently or in collaboration with other services available at the Family house (health centres, educational psychological services, child welfare services, etc.). During its opening hours, the open kindergarten usually provides a variety of activities such as shared meals, gatherings, playtimes, singing sessions, outdoor activities, art and craft activities, themed workshops, and more.