GeoIntern International

The project GeoInternInternational is an upscaling of the HK-dir funded project “GeoIntern” that is focusing on the relevance and work-life component within the geoscience education at Norwegian universities.

In GeoInternInternational the scope is expanded to an international arena that will contribute to enhanced international and intercultural collaboration among the next generation of geoscientists. The main activitity of the project is international work life experience within geoscience education. This includes internships abroad at our partner institutions and their business collaboraters for students from the Departments of Geosciences (DoG) at Norwegian universities, as well as internships in Norway at DoG and our business partners for students from our international partner institutions.

GeoInternInternational will closely interact with the Diku/HK-dir funded Norwegian Centre for Excellence in Education: iEarth. iEarth is a consortium of the geoscience departments of UiB,UiO, UiT and UNIS in which UiT has the lead for the Focus Area “Alumni and outreach”. One main goal of this Focus Area is to increase the work-life relevance in geoscience education.

GeoIntern International will be hosted and led by the Department of geoscience at UiT in close relation to the present GeoIntern project, ensuring efficient project management and administrative routines. We will collaborate with universities and institutions in Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, South-Africa, South-Korea and the USA. Our partners will provide internship opportunities for Norwegian students which may include field campaigns, laboratory work and other tasks related to research and education. From 2024 the project will exchange for Internships in Norway for international students and international internships for Norwegian students.

Latest news

Project group


Helge Alexander Vogt

Head of Department

Øystein Lund

Head of Department

Matthias Forwick

Associate Professor

Kyung-Sik Choi

Professor /Dean

Stephan Pflugmacher Lima


Cato Bjørndal


Dr. Seung-Il Nam


Jostein Bakke


Dr. Byoung Yeop Kim


Tyrone Rooney

Associate Professor

Anders Mattias Lundmark


Nikki Wagner


Tetsuya Yokoyama

Associate Professor

Ivar Nordmo


Dr. LIU Chuanzhou

Assistant Professor

Iver Martens (Project manager)


Chalapathi Rao


Maria de Fátima Bitencourt


Jiri Konopasek
