About the project

Industry 5.0 and smart logistics are key enablers for a sustainable future and strategic focuses of both countries, the project aims to strengthen research and education by establishing a global partnership in this important area, which will strengthen the international partnership by bringing complementary competence to build up a platform for long-term knowledge building and transfer in the key areas of interest. This project will also enhance research-based education and internationalization by developing new educational modules and increasing student mobility in both Norway and China. The project contributes to the Panorama strategy and the UTFORSK Programme through the project results: 

  1. The latest research results exploring the roadmap to Agenda 2030 in the logistics sectors
  2. Mutual student exchanges.
  3. Joint development and integration of new courses in Industry 5.0 and Smart Logistics with the aim of enhancing students' employability.
  4. Short-term staff visits for cooperation and knowledge sharing.
  5. Student-involved research-based education through co-supervisions. 
  6. Industrial case studies, summer schools, and short-term mobility.