Collaboration partners

The project is part of the national collaborative project "The politics of a changing institutional ecology: coordination and prioritizing healthcare and welfare services in the municipal landscape" (Norwegian Research Council ref. 296728).

The national project is a collaboration between the five regional Centers for Care Research, "NORCE society", and four international partners. The project leader is Anette Fagertun, Center for Care Research (SOF) West, which is affiliated with the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL). In each of the four work packages in the project, a collaboration has been established between two or more of the centers, with the aim of building a national research network for care research. In addition to annual network gatherings, there are plans for working stays with each other, as well as exchange of expertise and collaboration regarding chosen research methodology, analyzes and publications.

Work package 3, which this study is part of, is a collaboration between SOF Nord at UiT and SOF Sør and is led by Professor Cathrine Arntzen at UiT. Astrid Gramstad at UiT is also involved. The collaboration partners at SOF Sør are Linda Madsen and Jorun Rugkåsa. There will be mutual exchange and professional collaboration within the working group throughout the process.

Master student Evelyn Solli Thomassen was associated with the project from May 2021 to May 2022. Her master's degree project has the title: "Managers' experiences with individual care plans in municipal home care." Based on the project's interview data, she has developed her own research questions, and has interviewed managers in municipalities about cultural and structural conditions of importance to the use/non-use of individual care plans. The master's thesis can be read here.