
Project details

FundingMarie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA-PF)

Host institution: Center for Language, Brain & Learning, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway

Brief project description: Recent research highlights a need for deeper understanding of the nature of language competence and the development of this  competence under heritage language bi- and multilingualism. Heritage speakers (HSs) is a population highly diverse in terms of their  linguistic competence and its development. Multilingual Acquisition and Processing (MAP) will provide an  examination of Russian Heritage Language (HL) grammar in a previously unstudied socio-linguistic context focusing in particular on  the patterns of cross-linguistic interaction at early and most unstable stages of multilingual language development. The overall  research objective is to discover the patterns of language acquisition and language processing in order to find out how multilingual  minds deploy their developing grammatical knowledge and how they detect and access the linguistic (morpho-syntactic)  mechanisms from their two co-existing languages ​in real-time. The proposed empirical study will investigate the effects of linguistic  proximity, individual experiential factors and the developmental patterns of cross-linguistic influence in child bilingualism. Heritage  Russian in Spain and Portugal will be studied with a focus on 3-11-year-old children and 12-18-year-old adolescents in order to examine developmental trajectories in both  languages. On the theoretical level, MAP will significantly contribute to the development of a model of heritage language grammar and add to a sub-field of multilingualism studies, Heritage Language Acquisition, by showing the patterns of cross-linguistic  interaction at early stages of multilingual Russian- Spanish and Russian-Portuguese development. On a societal and education level, project findings will be  relevant for policy makers, teachers, school principals and HSs communities in European countries. To date, most heritage language  studies have focused exclusively on the minority language, MAP will fill an important gap by focusing on both languages.

Project banner created by Andrea Bielen.