
Mapping of Algae and Seagrass using Spectral Imaging and MAchine Learning

Publications and presentations

Journal articles

Conference papers

IGARSS 2023 - Mapping marine macroalgae along the Norwegian coast using hyperspectral UAV imaging and convolutional nets for semantic segmentation

Conference presentations

NORA (Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium) conference 2023 - Presentation of Massimal project and preliminary results


Northern Lights Deep Learning 2022 - Poster presentation

International Temperate Reefs Symposium 2023 - Poster presentation

Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping (GEOHAB) Conference 2023 - Poster presentation

Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping (GEOHAB) Conference 2024 - Poster presentation: Mapping shallow-water maerl beds with UAV hyperspectral imaging

Master's theses

Silje B.S. Grue (2022) - Machine Learning for Classifying Marine Vegetation from Hyperspectral Drone Data in the Norwegian coast