
Oslo Bioinformatics Workshop

Fromm lab participated in the Oslo Bioinformatics Workshop Week at the University of Oslo, Norway.



Centre for Bioinformatics,UiO 


December 7th-13th 2022 saw the very first Oslo Bioinformatics Workshop Week at the University of Oslo, Norway. The Fromm lab was invited to be part of this in-person event to conduct a 1-day workshop titled “microRNA profiling and sequence analysis” on the 12th. The course was lead by Dr. Bastian Fromm taught  with the assistance of PhD students Anju Angelina Hembrom and Vanessa Molin Paynter. 





Fromm lab in session




The team was able to effectively engage and cover information to aid participants in interpreting small RNA sequencing data. In addition, they also worked through differential expression analysis using R studio for the reconstruction of figures. This module involved steps to access raw data presented in a paper followed by processing it and further reproducing plots in R. Lastly, participants were given an introduction to the galaxy workflow for the de novo prediction of microRNAs using MirMiner. This opportunity allowed for the Fromm Lab to meet people working on interesting initiatives which turned out to be a learning experience for everyone involved.