
PhD student Vanessa Paynter attends the SciLifeLab Science Summit 2023

September 20, 2023, marked a noteworthy return of The SciLifeLab Science Summit, making its comeback after a hiatus since 2019, drawing an audience of over 300 researchers, scholars, and industry professionals.

The summit's focal point was the theme of "Genomics of Biodiversity and Evolution." This gathering unfolded as a rich mosaic of scientific insights and groundbreaking discoveries in the sphere of genomics.

SciLifeLab Science Summit 2023, Aula Magna Stockholm

Throughout the day, participants immersed themselves in presentations delivered by renowned experts in the field, accompanied by enlightening flash presentations highlighting the latest in cutting-edge research. The backdrop for these intellectual exchanges was the show floor adorned with posters and lively discussions. Our PhD student Vanessa Molin Paynter, contributed by presenting a poster on her work involving MirMachine. This also offered the opportunity to meet with our collaborators Peter Heintzman and Marc Friedländer from the University of Stockholm.

The event was punctuated by the thought-provoking talks of notable figures in the field such as Elinor Karlsson, representing the University of Massachusetts Medical School and the Broad Institute, shed light on the intriguing zoonomia project. Tom van der Valk, from the Swedish Museum of Natural History, embarked on a fascinating journey through time, delving into the speciation and adaptive evolution of mammoths over a span of one million years. Another talk of note was that by Richard Durbin, from the University of Cambridge, delving into the wealth of knowledge derived from high-quality genome sequencing across the diverse tree of life.