Mojgan Pooladi's Journey with the Ocean Incubator Network Toolkit

By: Mojgan Pooladi

A pdf colored version of the blogpost can be found here

Hi everyone, I'm Mojgan, a spirited 23-year-old originally from Iran, now soaking up the vibrant culture of Italy for the past three years. I was born in a very small and often overlooked city called Bushehr. My city is in the vicinity of the Persian Gulf, and I suppose that's what initially attracted me to ocean literacy!

As stunning as the Persian Gulf is, it breaks my heart to see how neglected, dirty, and overfished it has become these days. So, I hope I can make a positive change one day, no matter how small. First, let me take you on a journey that led me here. Back in Iran, being eco-friendly wasn't exactly the talk of the town. But I've always been intrigued by ways to make a positive impact on our planet, as I've mentioned. So, I set out on a mission to learn, to grow, and to do my part. I've always wanted to be a better citizen, not just for my hometown, but for the Earth! Recycling? Well, let's just say it was a bit of a foreign concept back home. But that didn't stop me. Even though it wasn't common, I convinced my family and friends to join in by buying them separate bins with my own money. And yeah, convincing my family to sort their trash into five different bins was a bit of a challenge, but every little bit helps, right? Moreover, I became a furry friend matchmaker, rescuing stray cats and dogs and finding them cozy homes to be adopted into. In fact, I even created a platform where I connected these abandoned animals with caring families. As I knew that all animals deserve a safe shelter or even more, an affectionate home! These cuties are the ones that I raised at home after they were abandoned by their mom. I fed them, I cleaned them, I loved them. I was basically treating them like my babies.  Now, let me shine a spotlight on a pivotal moment in my journey—a lecture with the remarkable Professor Margherita Poto. It was more than just a class; it made me realize my mission from the beginning. Together, we delved into spreading ocean literacy and addressing the big issues—ocean pollution, discovering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—with a twist of fun and creativity. From catchy tunes sung by students about plastic waste to baking cakes with eco-friendly messages. Right now, I'm thrilled about what lies ahead. From where I grew up in Bushehr to inspiring moments with Professor Margherita Poto, my love for oceans and nature has only grown. Seeing the Persian Gulf's beauty fade due to neglect drives me to act. Whether it's getting my community to recycle or finding homes for abandoned pets, I'm dedicated to protecting our planet. Looking forward, I'm excited to dive deeper into environmental causes. Here's to the next chapter—full of learning, growth, and making a positive impact!


Mojgan Pooladi, 2024


This post can be cited as: Mojgan Pooladi, Mojgan Pooladi's Journey with the Ocean Incubator Network Toolkit, May 2nd, 2024.