Publications from Cristin
- New Horizons of Administrative Law through Co-creation: A Focus on Blue Governance (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- The Ocean Incubator Network Learning Toolkit. A video realized by Artem Krykhtenko (Documentary)
- Activities for Ocean Literacy (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Reimagining Ocean Connections: Relationality and Care in Ocean Literacy (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Ocean Literacy Accessibility (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Co-creation of Knowledge (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Inter-, Cross-, and Transdisciplinarity (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Positionality (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Introduction to Gender, OIN Project, and Ocean Literacy (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- The Ocean Incubator Network (OIN) Project and the Toolkit (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- The Ocean Incubator Network Learning Toolkit (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Chapter 3 Legal Design (LD) and Visual Law (VL): The 6 Steps (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Chapter 2 Ocean Literacy (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Creativity for Sustainability: Student-led Projects on the Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Concluding Remarks (Chapter)
- Chapter 1 Introduction (Chapter)
- Knowledge Co-creation in Climate and Sea Governance (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Brief Introduction to Ocean LIteracy and book launch (Academic lecture)
- Learning to Connect with the Ocean. Ocean Literacy and Sustainable Food Systems (Academic lecture)
- Module 2 EUGLOH Course January 10, 2025 by Margherita Paola Poto, Emily Murray, Laura Vita, Tanja Bogusz, Nane Pelke (Documentary)
- Ocean Echoes Episode 2: Positionality and Perspective in Ocean Literacy by Romina Bazrgar (Documentary)
- Ocean Echoes, Introduction to the Podcast by Romina Bazrgar (Documentary)
- Episode 1: Introduction to the Ocean Incubator Network and the Toolkit. A Podcast created by Romina Bazrgar (Documentary)
- Connecting with the Ocean by Dana Ahmed (Documentary)
- EUGLOH Course Module 3 Booklet created by Laura Vita (Documentary)
- Gli Stati Sono Responsabili per Inazione Climatica e per la Conseguente Violazione dei Diritti Umani Inter-generazionali, (trans. States are held liable for Climate Inaction and Violation of Intergenerational Human Rights) note to ECHR, Grande Chambre, Verein Klimaseniorinnen v. Schweiz, 9 April 2024 (Academic article)
- The International Day on the Elimination of Violence Against Women by Romina Bazrgar (Documentary)
- ECO_CARE Fieldtrip on the Rio Negro (municipality of Novo Airão, Comunidade Tiririca) and academic collaboration with indigenous women, traditional people and Master’s students. Septentrio Reports, (1). (Popular scientific article)
- Discussant on Pachamama: Nature as a legal subject Discussion Moderator: Christina Voigt (Academic lecture)
- The Ocean Through Our Senses: ECO_CARE's Multi-sensory Workshop in Aldeia Maraka’nà by Musra Ozsoy (Documentary)
- EUGLOH Course on Planetary Health: Official kick-off (Lecture)
- Youth Climate Justice (Academic lecture)
- Autumn School “Protection of The Sea: Adopting Co-Created Methods Of (Public) Participation" (Article in business/trade/industry journal)
- The ECO_CARE Participation in the G20 Delegation to Brazil HKDIR event in Rio: Brazil and Norway: Strengthening partnerships for global sustainable development G20 Brazil 2024 Building a just world and a sustainable Planet (Article in business/trade/industry journal)
- Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change (Chapter)
- no title (Documentary)
- Introduction to our experiential workshop: co-creation and care in research and education (Academic lecture)
- Collaboration and care with Indigenous and marginalised peoples in education and research (Academic lecture)
- Un-thinking Western-centric approaches to law and research (Academic lecture)
- ECO_CARE Multisensory and Experimental Workshop 2024 “We are the ocean, and the Ocean is us. A Living Laboratory to learn from each other and learn from the ocean” (Popular scientific article)
- Accessible Practices to Ocean Knowledge (Academic lecture)
- Pathways to a Healthier Planet New Approaches Through Creativity and Experiential Learning. From the UNIPED assignment to the Establishment of a Course (JUR-1040) (Academic lecture)
- Creation of the Law and Ocean Literacy Document by Mojgan Pooladi (Documentary)
- The Ocean Incubator Network (OIN) Living Laboratory and Ocean Literacy Toolkit (Popular scientific article)
- Presentation of Vision on Research and Education: ECOCARE, OIN and SECURE results (Academic lecture)
- Sustainability Through Participation? Book launch (Academic lecture)
- Living Laboratory and Learning Toolkit on Ocean Literacy (Academic lecture)
- Ocean Heart Animation created by Artem Krykhtenko. Logo illustrated by Valentina Russo. Based on a Sámi story narrated by Aila Selfors for the OIN. (Documentary)
- The Living Laboratory on Ocean Literacy, featured by Margherita Poto and Laura Vita. Created by Artem Krykhtenko (Documentary)
- Pathways to a Healthier Planet New Approaches Through Creativity and Experiential Learning (Academic lecture)
- Climate Governance in the Arctic (Academic lecture)
- Video Lesson n. 4 Creating animations by Gaby Natividad (Documentary)
- Video Lesson Series 3 by Gaby Natividad (Documentary)
- Unthinking Western Legal Approaches toward indigenous law and methodology (Academic lecture)
- Video Workshop Lesson 2 created by Gabrielle Natividad (Documentary)
- Co-Creation Unleashed: A Guide to Collaborative Research and Education (Documentary)
- Achieving a Common Future for all Through Sustainability-Conscious Legal Education and Research Methods (Academic article)
- Human impact: Ecological footprints. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
- Human impact: Plastic pollution. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
- Sedimentation. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
- Sculpting foraminifera. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
- Sculpting micro-, meio-, and macrofauna. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
- Ocean floor diorama. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
- Arctic Ocean temperatures. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
- Under pressure. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
- How deep is the ocean? In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
- Where is the (ancient) ocean floor? In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
- The Agenda 2030 and the Imperative for Research and Education for the Climate and the Oceans (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Chapter VIII, Arctic Vulnerability: Examining Biosecurity Risks Amidst Climate Change (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- The Paths of Water and their relations: a dialogue between Brazil and Norway, (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- The Ocean Senses Activity Book: Enriching Ocean Literacy through a multisensory approach (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Chapter III, Holistic Learning, Emotional Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Action in LESPLAY (Learn, Speak and Play) (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Chapter II, Methodological steps toward ecological and emotional education and research fostering multipotentiality (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- Emotional and ecological literacy for a more sustainable society (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- Legal pathways towards sustainable blue food systems in the aquaculture sector : Interdisciplinary workshop and roundtable discussion 10 January 2024. (Popular scientific article)
- Audiobook by Gaby Natividad - Introduction: Tarumã, waters that speak, ISBN 979-12-218-0396-9 (Documentary)
- Audiobook by Gaby Natividad - Chapter 2 of the book Tarumã, waters that speak. (Documentary)
- Third Book Launch, Workshop and Next Steps“Follow Your Heart. The School for Multipotentialites”. Video created by Igor Peftiyev (Documentary)
- Giving Voice to Women in Small-Scale Fisheries. A student-led project in collaboration with ECO_CARE and the University of Turin, Department of Management (Documentary)
- ECO CARE Midterm Documentary (Portuguese) created by Gaby Natividad (Documentary)
- UiT concert Ocean Interconnectedeness Videomaker: Kai Mortensen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Documentary)
- Concilio C., Poto, M.P. et al., Johnny Lisca. Ritorno al lago dorato, a cura di UniTo e PAV, ISBN 9791281740006 (Popular scientific book)
- Ocean Senses and Chiquitano Cooperation (Multimedia product)
- Evironmental Law and Policy (and the messiness of law). A case study on the Arctic (Academic lecture)
- Human impact: Ecological footprints. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
- Human impact: Plastic pollution. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
- Sedimentation. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
- Sculpting micro-, meio-, and macrofauna. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
- Ocean Interconnectedness (Popular scientific article)
- Preface (English). In G. Panieri, M. Poto and G. Bertolotto Bianc (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version) (Popular scientific article)
- The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version) (Popular scientific article)
- Sculpting foraminifera. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
- Sculpting micro-, meio-, and macrofauna. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
- How deep is the ocean? In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
- Where is the (ancient) ocean floor? In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
- Follow Your Heart. The school for multipotentialites. (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
- CHAPTER IV Co-creation of educational spaces and curricula to develop an ecology of participation: an example from Follow Your Heart (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
- no title (Academic article)