Publications from Cristin

  1. New Horizons of Administrative Law through Co-creation: A Focus on Blue Governance (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  2. The Ocean Incubator Network Learning Toolkit. A video realized by Artem Krykhtenko (Documentary)
  3. Activities for Ocean Literacy (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  4. Reimagining Ocean Connections: Relationality and Care in Ocean Literacy (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  5. Ocean Literacy Accessibility (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  6. Co-creation of Knowledge (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  7. Inter-, Cross-, and Transdisciplinarity (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  8. Positionality (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  9. Introduction to Gender, OIN Project, and Ocean Literacy (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  10. The Ocean Incubator Network (OIN) Project and the Toolkit (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  11. The Ocean Incubator Network Learning Toolkit (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
  12. Chapter 3 Legal Design (LD) and Visual Law (VL): The 6 Steps (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  13. Chapter 2 Ocean Literacy (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  14. Creativity for Sustainability: Student-led Projects on the Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
  15. Concluding Remarks (Chapter)
  16. Chapter 1 Introduction (Chapter)
  17. Knowledge Co-creation in Climate and Sea Governance (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
  18. Brief Introduction to Ocean LIteracy and book launch (Academic lecture)
  19. Learning to Connect with the Ocean. Ocean Literacy and Sustainable Food Systems (Academic lecture)
  20. Module 2 EUGLOH Course January 10, 2025 by Margherita Paola Poto, Emily Murray, Laura Vita, Tanja Bogusz, Nane Pelke (Documentary)
  21. Ocean Echoes Episode 2: Positionality and Perspective in Ocean Literacy by Romina Bazrgar (Documentary)
  22. Ocean Echoes, Introduction to the Podcast by Romina Bazrgar (Documentary)
  23. Episode 1: Introduction to the Ocean Incubator Network and the Toolkit. A Podcast created by Romina Bazrgar (Documentary)
  24. Connecting with the Ocean by Dana Ahmed (Documentary)
  25. EUGLOH Course Module 3 Booklet created by Laura Vita (Documentary)
  26. Gli Stati Sono Responsabili per Inazione Climatica e per la Conseguente Violazione dei Diritti Umani Inter-generazionali, (trans. States are held liable for Climate Inaction and Violation of Intergenerational Human Rights) note to ECHR, Grande Chambre, Verein Klimaseniorinnen v. Schweiz, 9 April 2024 (Academic article)
  27. The International Day on the Elimination of Violence Against Women by Romina Bazrgar (Documentary)
  28. ECO_CARE Fieldtrip on the Rio Negro (municipality of Novo Airão, Comunidade Tiririca) and academic collaboration with indigenous women, traditional people and Master’s students. Septentrio Reports, (1). (Popular scientific article)
  29. Discussant on Pachamama: Nature as a legal subject Discussion Moderator: Christina Voigt (Academic lecture)
  30. The Ocean Through Our Senses: ECO_CARE's Multi-sensory Workshop in Aldeia Maraka’nà by Musra Ozsoy (Documentary)
  31. EUGLOH Course on Planetary Health: Official kick-off (Lecture)
  32. Youth Climate Justice (Academic lecture)
  33. Autumn School “Protection of The Sea: Adopting Co-Created Methods Of (Public) Participation" (Article in business/trade/industry journal)
  34. The ECO_CARE Participation in the G20 Delegation to Brazil HKDIR event in Rio: Brazil and Norway: Strengthening partnerships for global sustainable development G20 Brazil 2024 Building a just world and a sustainable Planet (Article in business/trade/industry journal)
  35. Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change (Chapter)
  37. no title (Documentary)
  38. Introduction to our experiential workshop: co-creation and care in research and education (Academic lecture)
  39. Collaboration and care with Indigenous and marginalised peoples in education and research (Academic lecture)
  40. Un-thinking Western-centric approaches to law and research (Academic lecture)
  41. ECO_CARE Multisensory and Experimental Workshop 2024 “We are the ocean, and the Ocean is us. A Living Laboratory to learn from each other and learn from the ocean” (Popular scientific article)
  42. Accessible Practices to Ocean Knowledge (Academic lecture)
  43. Pathways to a Healthier Planet New Approaches Through Creativity and Experiential Learning. From the UNIPED assignment to the Establishment of a Course (JUR-1040) (Academic lecture)
  44. Creation of the Law and Ocean Literacy Document by Mojgan Pooladi (Documentary)
  45. The Ocean Incubator Network (OIN) Living Laboratory and Ocean Literacy Toolkit (Popular scientific article)
  46. Presentation of Vision on Research and Education: ECOCARE, OIN and SECURE results (Academic lecture)
  47. Sustainability Through Participation? Book launch (Academic lecture)
  48. Living Laboratory and Learning Toolkit on Ocean Literacy (Academic lecture)
  49. Ocean Heart Animation created by Artem Krykhtenko. Logo illustrated by Valentina Russo. Based on a Sámi story narrated by Aila Selfors for the OIN. (Documentary)
  50. The Living Laboratory on Ocean Literacy, featured by Margherita Poto and Laura Vita. Created by Artem Krykhtenko (Documentary)
  51. Pathways to a Healthier Planet New Approaches Through Creativity and Experiential Learning (Academic lecture)
  52. Climate Governance in the Arctic (Academic lecture)
  53. Video Lesson n. 4 Creating animations by Gaby Natividad (Documentary)
  54. Video Lesson Series 3 by Gaby Natividad (Documentary)
  55. Unthinking Western Legal Approaches toward indigenous law and methodology (Academic lecture)
  56. Video Workshop Lesson 2 created by Gabrielle Natividad (Documentary)
  57. Co-Creation Unleashed: A Guide to Collaborative Research and Education (Documentary)
  58. Achieving a Common Future for all Through Sustainability-Conscious Legal Education and Research Methods (Academic article)
  59. Human impact: Ecological footprints. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  60. Human impact: Plastic pollution. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  61. Sedimentation. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  62. Sculpting foraminifera. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  63. Sculpting micro-, meio-, and macrofauna. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  64. Ocean floor diorama. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  65. Arctic Ocean temperatures. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  66. Under pressure. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  67. How deep is the ocean? In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  68. Where is the (ancient) ocean floor? In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  69. The Agenda 2030 and the Imperative for Research and Education for the Climate and the Oceans (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  70. Chapter VIII, Arctic Vulnerability: Examining Biosecurity Risks Amidst Climate Change (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  71. The Paths of Water and their relations: a dialogue between Brazil and Norway, (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  72. The Ocean Senses Activity Book: Enriching Ocean Literacy through a multisensory approach (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  73. Chapter III, Holistic Learning, Emotional Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Action in LESPLAY (Learn, Speak and Play) (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  74. Chapter II, Methodological steps toward ecological and emotional education and research fostering multipotentiality (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  75. Emotional and ecological literacy for a more sustainable society (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
  76. Legal pathways towards sustainable blue food systems in the aquaculture sector : Interdisciplinary workshop and roundtable discussion 10 January 2024. (Popular scientific article)
  77. Audiobook by Gaby Natividad - Introduction: Tarumã, waters that speak, ISBN 979-12-218-0396-9 (Documentary)
  78. Audiobook by Gaby Natividad - Chapter 2 of the book Tarumã, waters that speak. (Documentary)
  79. Third Book Launch, Workshop and Next Steps“Follow Your Heart. The School for Multipotentialites”. Video created by Igor Peftiyev (Documentary)
  80. Giving Voice to Women in Small-Scale Fisheries. A student-led project in collaboration with ECO_CARE and the University of Turin, Department of Management (Documentary)
  81. ECO CARE Midterm Documentary (Portuguese) created by Gaby Natividad (Documentary)
  82. UiT concert Ocean Interconnectedeness Videomaker: Kai Mortensen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Documentary)
  83. Concilio C., Poto, M.P. et al., Johnny Lisca. Ritorno al lago dorato, a cura di UniTo e PAV, ISBN 9791281740006 (Popular scientific book)
  84. Ocean Senses and Chiquitano Cooperation (Multimedia product)
  85. Evironmental Law and Policy (and the messiness of law). A case study on the Arctic (Academic lecture)
  86. Human impact: Ecological footprints. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  87. Human impact: Plastic pollution. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  88. Sedimentation. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  89. Sculpting micro-, meio-, and macrofauna. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  90. Ocean Interconnectedness (Popular scientific article)
  91. Preface (English). In G. Panieri, M. Poto and G. Bertolotto Bianc (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version) (Popular scientific article)
  92. The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version) (Popular scientific article)
  93. Sculpting foraminifera. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  94. Sculpting micro-, meio-, and macrofauna. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  95. How deep is the ocean? In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  96. Where is the (ancient) ocean floor? In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  97. Follow Your Heart. The school for multipotentialites. (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
  98. CHAPTER IV Co-creation of educational spaces and curricula to develop an ecology of participation: an example from Follow Your Heart (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  99. no title (Academic article)