Older adults with high utilization of somatic hospital services

– which municipal health and care services do they receive?

The referance group

A reference group has been established to provide input throughout the research process.

The reference group is intended to ensure that the research is based on relevant challenges and knowledge needs, that data collection is targeted, and that the results are communicated in a way that makes them accessible and useful to the target audiences. The group consists of eleven representatives and includes service recipients with complex and long-term service needs, a representative for caregivers, a representative from the Elder Council, and a representative from the Development Center for Nursing Homes and Home Care Services (USHT). It also includes service providers from municipal health and care services and specialist healthcare services, as well as service managers and administrative staff involved in service allocation. The reference group is shared with the related study "Practice and Framework Conditions for Coordinated and Personalized Services for Individuals with Long-term and Complex Service Needs," conducted by Postdoctoral Researcher Audhild Høyem at the Center for Care Research, North, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway.