Transformative Pedagogies

Doing Democracy in Academia


In Norway, the analysis of gender and minority disparities and measures against those has been the main focus of funding programs like Balanse (NFR 2021-2022). Its goal was first to build robust research environments and ultimately to further democracy, sustainability, and ethics. With this project, we look closer at future generations: Are the universities’ classrooms a locus where gender and minority disparities are reproduced or a locus of social justice where reflexive classroom discourses are encouraged, and dialogue and critical self-reflection rule the conversation of student-teacher and teacher-student? 

This project explores student experiences of gender, power, and diversity in academia. The aim is to explore classroom practices and interpersonal relations between teachers and students, map course curriculum and literature, to identify how gender, diversity, and power manifest and play out in teaching and learning discourses. The scientific and academic field of this project is feminist pedagogy. We gather data through ethnographical fieldwork, observation, interviews, archival records, and collaborative workshops.  

The project is hosted by the Center for Women`s and Gender Research at UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, and funded by the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (2021-24). Locally, the project is explicitly connected to UiT The Arctic University of Norway but has a national, regional, and global dimension with Norway, the Nordic countries, and the international community.