Ungsinn – an electronic scientific journal on mental health interventions for children and young people

The journal contains systematic reviews of mental health interventions and treatments for children and adolescents. At the webpage you can find practical information and reviews of how well the effects of the interventions are documented. 

Screenshot from the webpage ungsinn.no
Screenshot from Ungsinn Foto: Mostphotos/Colourbox

As part of the review, each intervention is classified at a level of evidence. The classification follows specified criteria to ensure that the interventions are evaluated on the same basis. The criteria were revised in 2015. In articles published prior to that, the interventions were classified into one of four levels, while articles on interventions published later are classified into one of six levels. The plan is to gradually update the older articles according to the new criteria for grading interventions.

Visit the electronic scientific journal Ungsinn (english)

Ungsinn is run by the Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health, North (RKBU North) at UiT, the Arctic University of Norway, through a mandate by the Norwegian Directorate of Health.
