PhD School in Molecular and Clinical Cancer Research (MCCR)


The MCCR seminars take place on Wednesdays at 11:15 and last about 45 minutes

The seminars will preferrably be given by students in the PhD school. The students will present their projects and results. However, also other members of the groups in the PhD school will occasionally give seminars and there will be some invited speakers too.  Below is an updated list of the upcoming student seminars:

Name of Student/Speaker Research Group Seminar date When / Where
Swapnil Bhavsar Molecular Cancer (MCRG)  16.11.2016   11:15 / AUD1
Birenda Shrestha Molecular Cancer (MCRG) 30.11.2016   11:15 / AUD1
Conny Tümmler Molecular Cancer (MCRG) 07.12.2016   11:15 / AUD1
Kashif Rasheed Molecular Cancer (MCRG) 14.12.2016 11:15 / AUD1  

Further information on the seminars:

  • Attendance is compulsory for phd students in the school.  Attendance rate of 75% is required for qualification
  • Students will present their research.  A minimum of 2-3 academic staff will be present and a member of his/her supervisor team.  The supervisor is responsible for giving/sumarising feedback to the student after their presentation and taking a list of who is present at the seminar (list is to be sent to
  • Tea/coffee and a snack will be served (first come/first served basis)
  • If a student needs to change their date, they need to find someone to swap with and inform Eirik of the change.
  • Title of the presentation must be sent to a week before the seminar, so it can be publicised

Page administrator: Johansen, Terje
Last updated: 10.12.2014 09:46