Arctic Modernities

Relevant publications by Project Members

 Fredrik Christian Brøgger

"'Naturfolk' i teori og praksis: Skildringen av samene og den nordlige naturen i Knud Rasmussens Lapland.Nordlit 32 (2014): 99-115.  

 Adriana Craciun

"The Franklin Relics in the Arctic Archive." Victorian Literature and Culture 42.1 (2014): 1-30.

 Hanna Eglinger

 "'Nomadeblod'. Zeit-Raum-Dynamiken in frühen Texten von Knud Rasmussen."  In Antje Wischmann, ed., Mobiler Norden. Mobilität aus skandinavistischer Perspektive (Freiburg i. Br.: Rombachm, 2014). 45-59.

"Knut Hamsun's 'Meditations on Nansen' Revisited: The Dilemma of Modernity." Nordlit 35 (2015): 175–88.

"Nomadic, Ecstatic, Magic: Arctic Primitivism in Scandinavia around 1900." Forthcoming in Acta Borealia (2016).

 Susanne Frank

"Varlam Šalamovs Arbeit an einer Poetik der Operativität." In Susanne Frank and Schamma Schahadat, eds., Evidenz und Zeugenschaft  (München: Kubon & Sagner, 2013). 31–50.

 "Mythos Nordpol: Der Gipfel der Erde." Trajekte 26. Heilige Berge (April 2013): 41–6.

 "Transformationsästhetiken der Moderne: Symbolismus – Sozrealismus. Am Beispiel der Symbolik von 'Weiß', 'Schnee' und 'Eis'." Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 73 (2014): 371–400.

"Mythos of the North Pole: The Top of the World." Nordlit 35 (2015): 3–12.

 Heidi Hansson

"Staging the Arctic 1819–1909 and 2014." Nordlit 35 (2015): 47–62.

"Arctopias: The Arctic as No Place and New Place in Fiction." In Birgitta Evengård, Joan Nymand Larsen and Øyvind Paasche eds., The New Arctic (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015). 69–77.

"Winter Feeds It: Cold and the Construction of Power in Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising." The Lion and the Unicorn 40, 1 (2016): 62–80. (Co-author: Cathrine Norberg.)

 Elin Haugdal

"Campus Breivika – et regionalistisk landskap i endring." In Jérémie McGowan og Nina Berre eds., Arkitekturårbok 2013 (Oslo: Pax Forlag, 2013). 80-99.

"Landemerker og stedsidentitet." In Hanne Hammer Stien ed., Vit at jeg elsker deg – om kunst og sted (Stamsund: Orkana Akademisk, 2014). 100–9.

"Boligblokker i hardt klima. Hesteskoblokka i Hammerfest og Ormen långe i Svappavaara." Nordlit 36 (2015): 79–106.

 Renée Hulan

"Les lieux d’oubli: The Forgotten North in Canadian Literature.” In Eleanor Ty and Cynthia Sugars, eds., Canadian Literature and Cultural Memory  (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2014).  53-67. 

"Terror and Erebus by Gwendolyn MacEwan: White Technologies and the End of Science." Nordlit 35 (2015): 123–35.

"Indigenizing the Bush Pilot in CBC's Arctic Air." Forthcoming in The Northern Review.

 Ingeborg Høvik

"Framing the Arctic: Recosidering Roald Amundsen's Gjøa Expedition Imagery." Nordlit 35 (2015): 137–60.

"Reporducing the Indigenous: John Møller's Studio Portraits in Context." Forthcoming in Acta Borealia (2016).

 Silje Solheim Karlsen

"Between Romanticism and Rationality: The Arctic Traveler in Fridtjof Nansen’s Farthest North (1897)." In Silje Gaupseth, Marie-Theres Federhofer and Per Pippin Aspaas, eds., Travels in the North:  A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Long History of Northern Travel Writing (Hannover: Wehrhahn, 2014). 137-47.  

”Fangstmannsbiografien og heltelitteratur. Med et skråblikk på sjangeren: Wanny Woldstad, Henry Ette, Thorleif Bjertnes og Henry Rudi.” Nordlit 32 (2014): 1–16. 

"Romantiske stereotypier eller barnlige avvik. Arktis som oppdragende element i jentebøker fra 1940- og 1950-tallet." Nordlit 35 (2015): 205–19.

"'… så skrev jeg til et par velkjente menn i Finnmark med forespørsel om man kunne skaffe meg to fjellapper som var villige til å følge med.' Om polarekspedisjoner, skiløping og etnisitet." In E.Å. Skille and H.C. Pedersen, eds., Utafor sporet? Idrett, identiteter og regionalisme i nord (Vallset: Oplandske Bokforlag, 2016). 271–89.

 Sigfrid Kjeldaas

"Barry Lopez's Relational Arctic." Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment 5, 2 (2014): 72–87.

"Landscape and Vision in Gretel Ehrlich's This Cold Heaven: Seven Seasons in Greenland." Nordlit 35 (2015): 221–38.

 Audun Mørch

”The Chronotope of the Primordial: Yuri Rytkheu’s When the Whales Leave.” Nordlit 32 (2014): 17–32. 

 Anka Ryall

”In Love with a Cold Climate: Representations of the North in Nineteenth-Century Travel Writing from Scandinavia.” Journal of Northern Studies, 8, 2 (2014): 121–37. 

"A Deviant in the Arctic." In Tiina Mäntymäki, Marinella Rodi-Risberg and Anna Foka, eds., Deviant Women: Cultural, Linguistic and Literary Approaches to Narratives of Femininity (Frankfurt an Main: Peter Lang, 2015). 171–90.

"The Arctic Playground of Europe: Sir Martin Conway's Svalbard." Nordlit 35 (2015): 29–45.

"Gender in the Twentieth-Century Polar Archive." Forthcoming in Susanne Frank and Kjetil Jakobsen, eds., Archives of the Arctic: Ice, Entropy and Memory (Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag).

 Johan Schimanski

Passagiere des Eises. Polarhelden und arktische Diskurse 1874 (Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2015). (Co-author: Ulrike Spring.)

"The Useless Arctic: Exploiting Nature in the Arctic in the 1870s." Nordlit 35 (2015): 13–27. (Co-author: Ulrike Spring.)

"Reading the Future North." Forthcoming in Peter Hammersam and Janike Kampevold Larsen, eds., Future North (London: Routledge).

 Roswitha Skare

Nanook of the North (USA 1922, Robert J. Flaherty): Repertoirmusik und Neukomposition", Kieler Beiträge zur Filmmusikforschung 11 (September 2014): 302–19. 

"'First I was an explorer; then I was an artist.' Robert J. Flaherty som fotograf." Nordlit 35 (2015): 161–72.

Nanook of the North from 1922 to Today. The Famous Arctic Documentary and Its Afterlife. (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2016).

"Nanook of the North (USA, 1922/1947/1976/1998) and Film Exhibition in the Classical Silent Era: A Document Unbounded?" Forthcoming in Journal of Documentation (2016).

 Ulrike Spring

Passagiere des Eises. Polarhelden und arktische Diskurse 1874 (Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2015). (Co-author: Johan Schimanski.)

"The Useless Arctic: Exploiting Nature in the Arctic in the 1870s." Nordlit 35 (2015): 13–27. (Co-author: Johan Schimanski.)

"Arctic and European In-Betweens: The Production of Tourist Spaces in Late Nineteenth-Century Northern Norway." In Kate Hill, ed., Britain and the Narration of Travel in the Ninteteenth Century: Texts, Images, Objects (Farnham: Ashgate, 2016). 13–36.

 Peter Stadius

"Blessed Nordic Modernity : French Images of Welfare Scandinavia in the 1930s." In Silje Gaupseth, Marie-Theres Federhofer and Per Pippin Aspaas, eds., Travels in the North:  A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Long History of Northern Travel Writing (Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag, 2014). 209–25.  

"Petsamo: Bringing Modernity to Finland's Arctic Ocean Shore 1920–1939." Forthcoming in Acta Borealia (2016).

 Kirsten Thisted

"Imperial Ghosts in the North Atlantic. Old and New Narratives about the Colonial Relations between Greenland and Denmark." In Dirk Göttsche and Axel Dunker, eds., (Post-) Colonialism across Europe: Transcultural History and National Memory  (Bielefeld: Aisthesis Verlag, 2014). 107–134. 

"Imperiets genfærd – Profeterne i Evighedsfjorden og den dansk-grønlandske historieskrivning." Nordlit 35 (2015): 105–21.

"Pioneering Nation: New Narratives about Greenland and Greenlanders Launched through Arts and Branding." In Birgitta Evengård, Joan Nymand Larsen and Øyvind Paasche, eds., The New Arctic (Cham: Springer International Publishing). 23–38.

"The Specter of Danish Empire: The Prophets of the Eternal Fjord and the Writing of Danish-Greenlandic History." In Jenny Björklund and Ursula Lindqvist, eds., New Dimensions of Diversity in Nordic Culture and Society (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016). 151–73.

 Henning Howlid Wærp

"Arktiske diskurser – mennesket i Arktis." Nordlit 32 (2014): 147–59. 

 "Ishavsromanen som sjanger. – Om Lars Hansens I Spitsbergens vold (1926)." Norsk litterær årbok  (2014).

 "Mordet som ble avlyst på grunn av en naturopplevelse. Om Anne B. Ragdes Zona Frigida (1995)" In Henning Howlid Wærp and Hans Kristian Rustad, eds., Fra Wergeland til Knausgård. Lesninger i nordisk litteratur (Trondheim: Akademika forlag, 2014). 401–12.

"'… langt der oppe mot nord.' Bilder av nord i nordnorsk lyrikk – fra Elias Blix til Morten Wintervold." Nordlit 35 (2015): 101.

"'… det beste i den nordnorske forteljartradisjonen. Om Lars Bergs romaner – sammenlignet med Hamsuns." Nordlit 38 (3026): 97–105.

"'Å møte bamsen ansikt til ansikt, det er nå knuppen' (Henry Rudi). Om isbjørn i norsk Svalbard-litteratur." Norsk litterær årbok (2016): 93–118.

 Lena Aarekol

"Helmer Hanssens reiser i isbaksen. Med Roald Amundsen og polene som omdreiningspunkt." Nordlit 32 (2014): 117–31.

"Heroic Stories or Indigenous Perspectives? Polar Expedition Photographs in Norwegian Museum Exhibitions." In Elizabeth Edwards and Sigrid Lien, eds., Uncertain Images: Museums and the Work of Photography (Ashgate, 2014): 149–62.

"Maskulinitet og troféjakt i Arktis." Nordlit 35 (2015): 189–203.

"En glemt polarhelts glemte brev." Nordlys, 20. april 2015. 

"Uncertain Trophies: Tourism and Trophy Hunting in the Arctic." Forthcoming in Acta Borealia (2016).

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Last updated: 24.10.2023 12:31