About the project
The “Justice in Conflict” project will (i) critically assess some of the main theories and approaches in the field of contemporary normative political philosophy, focusing on justice in a global context, religion in the liberal state, and tolerance and recognition in the public sphere; (ii) develop a framework, theoretical foundation, and conceptual tools; and (iii) use this theoretical framework to address some of the most pressing conflicts within a national and a global context. In addition, the project will address gender issues relating to these dimensions. The project consists of the following three research areas:
- Culture, deliberation, and tolerance
- Global justice, human rights, and human capabilities
- Gender, politics, and justice
These three research areas will be addressed in collaboration with researchers from national institutions (NTNU, UiB, UiO, ARENA, the Sami University College, the University of Agder), and international researchers from the University of Reading, Yale University, the University of Málaga, and Aarhus University. The project is hosted by the Department of Philosophy at the University of Tromsø and the Pluralism, Democracy, and Justice Research Group.