- Talk by Daniel Salamonsen: "Functional trade-offs of penicillinase and cephalosporinase activity in the carbapenemase enzyme OXA-48", CANS seminar , UiT, 27.4.23.
- Talk by Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros to high school students from Karasjokk entitled: “Hvorfor Norge trenger kjemikere", på UiT 20.1.23.
- Talk by Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros to high school students at Kvaløya VGS entitled: “Hvorfor Norge trenger kjemikere",14.12.2022.
- An interview with NRK.no, Troms og Finnmark (12.08.22) "Kor ofte skal du ta antibiotika? Kanskje oftare enn vi gjer no, ifølge forskarar".
- Article at UiT Forskerhjørne: "Vi må kanskje ta antibiotika hyppigere". By Christopher Frøhlich and Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros. 11.08.22.
- Talk by Christopher Fröhlich ECCMID, april 2022, Lisboa. "Positive epistasis drives the molecular evolution of the carbapenemase OXA-48". Co-authors: C. Frohlich, A.H. Bunzel, A.J. Mulholland, M.W. Van Der Kamp, H.K.S. Leiros, P.J. Johnsen, N. Tokuriki.
- Poster at Poster: ECCMID, april 2022, Lisboa. "Co-selection reduces functional trade-offs in the carbapenemase OXA-48". By Daniel Salamonsen, Christopher Fröhlich, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros
- Talk by Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros to high school students at Kongsbakken entitled: “Bruk av 3D enzymstrukturer som bryter ned penicillin-lignende antibiotika, i kampen mot antibiotika resistente bakterier.» 25.2.22.
- Article in pest-POSTEN, Legeforeningen. ”LacZymes”: Hvordan kan den tre dimensjonale strukturen til resistens-enzymene hjelpe å forstå beta-laktam resistens?" 2021, page 24 here.
- Poster at German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG) annual meeting. Jia, Y., Schröder, B., Arkona, C., Pfeifer, Y., Deng, L., Kuropka, B., Fröhlich, C., Ataka, K., Wolber, G., Leiros, H.-K. S., Mielke, M., Werner, G., Rademann, J. "Zinc-dependent inhibitors of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase-1 (NDM-1) re-sensitize multi-drug resistant bacteria for carbapenems." 28.09.2021.
- The PhD thesis of Dr. Christopher Frøhlich is published here. The PhD thesis has the tittle: "On the Evolvability of OXA-48. A comprehensive study of new functions within the β-lactamase OXA-48".
- Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros gave a talk to the Norwegian Chemical Society (NKS), avd. Nord-Norge, 28.01.0221, with the tittle: "Et tredimensjonalt blikk på enzymstrukturer som bryter ned penicillin lignende antibiotika. Hvordan kan vi bidra i kampen mot antibiotikaresistente bakterier?".
- Christopher Frøhlich gave a talk entitled: «Ceftazidime drives the evolution of the carbapenamase OXA-48», on the GW4 Multidisciplinary Approaches to AMR: From Bench to Bedside and Beyond 2020, UK, 03.12.2020.
- An article in Norwegian where Hanna-Kirsti is interviewed entitled: "Vil ha 40 prosent kvinner i toppstillingar".
- Hanna-Kirsti is part of the digital Sciencesdays (forsakingsdagene) 2020.
- Annette Bayer at forskning.no presentes: "Små hjelpestoffer kan få gammel antibiotika til å virke igjen"
- Article in Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift: "Kjemikerne prøver å stoppe kjeften på antibiotikadreperne" as part of several articles on groups in CANS.
- Poster at ECCMID 2019, Amsterdam, "Sub-inhibitory concentrations of ceftazidime drive evolution of the OXA-48 carbapenemase", by C. Frøhlich, H.-K.S. Leiros, P.J. Johnsen and Ø.Samuelsen.
- Hanna-Kirsti gave a talk to the NT-fakulty "Antibiotika resistens er et globalt problem. Nye inhibitorer og velkjente antibiotika, kan de sammen bli ny behandlings metode?"
- Annette, Susann and Hanna-Kirsti were at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, as attending the AROHP 2019 workshop on Antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
- We have been present at the science days for many years.
- Leiros was in the newspaper iTromsø: "Utfordrer stereotyper om kvinners karrierevalg".
- We have been part of the exhibition "Trodde du?", 08.03.2018 with Prof. Leiros.
- Here is a film on YouTube about “My occupation as a chemist”, made for advertising the Department of Chemistry, UiT.
- The UiT magazine Labyrint wrote a long article on “The fight” against antibiotic resistance where the LacZymes project part of chapter 3 “The life threatening resistance”.
- This YouTube film presents the LacZymes research project and it was made by UiT 3.4.2017.
- Another YouTube film of Professor Karen Bush, is from her visit to Tromsø in 2017.
- A presentation of the project was filmed by NRK TV by Schrödingers katt, called “Krystaller mot antibiotikaresistens”.
- Forskning.no a scientific web based newspaper, presented the PhD work of Susann Skagseth as “Forskere vil gjenreise effekten av antibiotika».
- The PhD work of Susann Skagseth «Superbugs" skal ikke lengre få herje i fred» is presented here.
- The PhD work of Bjarte Aarmo Lund «Bekjemper antibiotikaresistens" is presented here.
- PhD student Bjarte Aarmo Lund has written popular since paper in Naturen 2016: "Lego i kampen mot antibiotikaresistens" shown here.
- We have given popular science lectures to school classes.
- The PhD student Bjarte Aarmo Lund have had chemistry shows for school classes.
- A popular science lecture have been given at the senior university.
- This readers’ letters (leserinnlegg) in Aftenposten, 28.3.17, by Professor Ørjan Samuelsen and others, is entitled «It is not enough to reduce the use of antibiotics- we need new ones. And someone has to pay".
- A new paper article in VG, VG 6.12.2013 and in Aftenposten, 22.12.2015 describes the ZinChel project where several group members are involved.
- PhD student Bjarte Aarmo Lund have a blog on good chemistry https://blogg.uit.no/blu002/
- Exhibition at Tromsø Museum. 100 years with crystallography. Poster (see below) and Exhibition.
- Exhibition at Tromsø Museum. Marine bio-prospecting. Hunting molecules in the deep North Sea. Poster (see below) and Exhibition.