About the programme

The history of the Barents Plus dates back to 1994/95 - the very beginning of the Barents regional cooperation.

The Barents regional cooperation was founded in January 11th, 1993 after the first Kirkenes Declaration was signed during the Barents Euro-Arctic conference by the ministers of foreign affairs and representatives of Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, the Russian Federation, and Sweden. Development of competence in the region became one of the focus areas of the Barents cooperation. Barents Plus exchange programme was initiated as one of the projects reflecting this focus and contributing to closer connections between institutions of higher education in the Barents.

The aim of the Barents Plus is to stimulate the formation and maintenance of educational cooperation between universities and university colleges in Norwegian and Russian parts of the Barents region. Through the exchange of students, academic and administrative university staff, the programme will contribute to better cultural understanding, mutual increased competence, and more institutional and personal contacts across the border.

The concept of exchange implies that activities are based on the principle of reciprocity.

The receiving institution must have an academically appropriate plan for incoming staff and students, as well as a well-functioning system for reception and accommodation.

The Barents Plus office will strive for an even geographical distribution of funds. Applicants are therefore encouraged to consider going on exchange to smaller campuses and places which are remote from the border and the bigger cities in the region.



Kirkenes Declaration I signed 11 January 1993

Kirkenes Declaration II from 2013

(Declaration on the 20th Anniversary of the Barents Euro-Arctic Cooperation)

Barents Summit banner

Page administrator: Kononova, Natalia
Last updated: 21.03.2023 10:30