Research data are an essential part of most research projects. The data we collect or generate are of high value, to ourselves and to other researchers. Good routines for managing and archiving research data makes it easier for researchers to make use of and build on previous research, and thus contributes to the advancement of research at large. This is the motivation for the research funders who increasingly ask for the research data to be managed in line with best practices, and archived openly if possible, thus maximising the payoff from each grant. Scholarly journals too now commonly ask for access to the data on which publications are built, to enable testing of the findings claimed in the publications.
In 2017, the UiT Board adopted Principles and guidelines for management of research data at UiT. These apply to all employees, including PhD candidates. The purpose of the principles is to "clarify responsibilities and provide guidance on how the institution and employees should manage, share and preserve research data in line with the institution's administrative, financial and research ethics guidelines”.
In this webinar we go through the basic principles of good research data management, and we present the advantages of archiving and sharing of research data – for the researchers themselves, for the research community and for society in general.We introduce UiTs research data policy and we inform about the support services developed to help the researchers manage their data. This includes a brief introduction to UiTs institutional data archive UiT Open Research Data, the UiT Research Data Portal, and the training package offered at the institution.
You may send in questions in advance (through a Padlet) that you want to discuss during the webinar. More information about this will be given well in advance of the webinar.
The webinar is hosted by Andreas Klein and Lars Figenschou
For more information about research data management at UiT, see the UiT Research Data Portal.
Illustrasjon: Evita Lill Bergstad