New researcher or PhD?
New researcher or PhD?
PhD courses
The University Library offers the Take control of your PhD journey course: From (p)reflection to publishing. This seminar series is aimed at new PhD students at the Arctic University of Norway and runs twice a year. See here for further information and teaching materials.
We also deliver other courses that are open to anyone, but are equally useful for new researchers.
See overview of all courses at the University Library
Database searches – find quality resources for your research
The university library possesses outstanding expertise in the use of all of the databases included in the library’s portfolio and also has broad experience in the creation and implementation of systematic searches in these databases.
We offer assistance to researchers and PhD students with the following needs:
- Refresher courses in the use of various databases.
- Assistance with literature searches during the start-up phase of new projects.
- Quality assurance of literature searches in connection with project applications.
- Assistance with literature searches for PhD students in connection with public defences and the stated topic.
Please contact the course coordinator for your course to learn about assistance agreements.
Efficient reference management
The Arctic University of Norway has a license for the EndNote reference management software.
Go to EndNote for further information about the software and courses.
Go to Study, write and cite for information about other frequently used tools.