FAR-3043 Nanomedisin - 15 stp
Course content
Nanotechnology has emerged as a distinct discipline with integrated, multidisciplinary and specialized scientific topics. This course focuses on recent developments in the field of nanomedicine from physical basics, biological aspects, medical applications and concerns related to manufacturing, reliability and safety of nano-scale medicines. The course structure is as follows.
1) Nanotechnology: concept, current status
2) Nanomedicine: concept, current status
3) Nanosized drug delivery systems A) Ways to improve permeability of poorly soluble drugs B) Delivery systems as carriers for drugs a) lipid vesicles b) polymer-based delivery c) nanocrystals d) nanoshells e) non-injectable nanovectors
4) Polymers of the future: recent improvements in polymer science
5) Advanced drug delivery systems in clinical trails (update)
6) Industrial manufacturing: limitations
7) Nanotechnology and human future: ethics and safety issues.
Emnet gjennomføres som en grundig vitenskapelig vurdering. Studentens evne til å sammenfatte og vurdere nye vitenskapelige funn, og gi egne kommentarer om aktuelle tema, er i fokus.
Objective of the course
Studentene skal tilegne seg avansert kunnskap om nanomedisin, som er en av de nye disiplinene innen farmasi og det biomedisinske feltet. Emnet skal gi studentene mulighet til å håndtere ulike faglige aspekter ved nanomedisin og gi innsikt i sentrale problemstillinger innen fysikalske, biologiske og medisinske aspekter, samt problemstillinger tilknyttet fremstilling, pålitelighet og sikkerhet ved nanomedisiner.Examination
Examination: | Date: | Weighting: | Duration: | Grade scale: |
Hjemmeeksamen | 22.02.2024 09:00 (Hand out) 21.03.2024 12:00 (Hand in) |
1/2 | 4 Uker | A–E, fail F |
Muntlig eksamen | 12.04.2024 08:00 |
1/2 | A–E, fail F | |
Coursework requirements:To take an examination, the student must have passed the following coursework requirements: |
Obligatorisk deltakelse på undervisning | Approved – not approved |