autumn 2024
PSY-3031 Research article - 90 ECTS
Course content
The aim of the course is to train the students’ skills in scientific writing. This will prepare them for an academic career. It will increase the likelihood that these students will be able to finish a PhD within two years.
The purpose of the course is two-fold: First, in this course, the students admitted to the Student Research Programme will learn scientific writing techniques and will get a better insight into the process of publishing scientific papers in psychology. Second, in this course the students will write a manuscript of the research they conducted.
The course will start in August, when the students start their full year of research. At the end of the full year of research, the students have to submit a manuscript written in English. This manuscript will describe their research activity throughout the research year, and therefore, it might deviate from the submitted manuscript or published journal article that they will defend at the end of their studies.
At the end of the Student Research Programme, the students have to take an oral exam in which they present and defend their research project and submit a published journal article or a (submitted) manuscript. The manuscript or article should be written in English, and be submitted or accepted in an international peer-reviewed scientific journal.
Objectives of the course
At the end of the course, the students are expected to:
• Gain detailed knowledge about at least one field in psychology
• Be able to apply specific methods in at least one field in psychology
• Be able to identify ethical issues in their research project
• Be able to evaluate different methods and processes in psychological research
• Gain knowledge about the process of publication in psychology
• Gain knowledge about scientific writing and writing techniques in English language
:• Develop his/her critical thinking, including in regards to their own research project
• Gain an overview over national and international ways of dissemination of psychological research
• Contribute to the development of theoretical and practical knowledge in one field in psychology
• Develop initial skills in scientific writing
General competence:
• Feel connected to at least one field of research in psychology
• Be able to conduct (empirical) research that is in line with high ethical standards
• Learn to work in close collaboration with a supervisor
• Be able to document research in the way of a scientific publication
Coursework requirements:To take an examination, the student must have passed the following coursework requirements: |
Research period | Approved – not approved | ||
Submit draft | Approved – not approved |
- About the course
- Campus: Tromsø |
- ECTS: 90
- Course code: PSY-3031
- Responsible unit
- Department of Psychology
- Earlier years and semesters for this topic