Bodil Bluhm
Job description
Arctic marine ecology, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
50% teaching and service, 50% research
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Publications outside Cristin
(Selection 2010)
Bluhm BA, Iken K, Mincks SL, Sirenko BI, Holladay BA (2009) Community structure of epibenthic megafauna in the Chukchi Sea. Aquatic Biology 7:269-293
Gradinger R, Kaufman MR, Bluhm BA (2009) The pivotal role of sea ice sediments for the seasonal development of near-shore Arctic fast ice biota. Marine Ecology Progress Series 394:49-63
Bluhm BA, Gradinger R (2008) Regional variability in food availability for Arctic marine mammals. Ecological Applications 18 suppl: 77-96
Kaufman MR, Gradinger RR, Bluhm BA, O’Brien DM (2008) Using stable isotopes to assess carbon and nitrogen turnover in the Arctic sympagic amphipod Onisimus litoralis. Oecologia 158:11-22
Bluhm BA, Coyle CO, Konar B, Highsmith RC (2007) High gray whale densities at an oceanographic front in the south-central Chukchi Sea in 2003. Deep-Sea Research II 54:2919-2933
Coyle KO, Bluhm BA, Konar B, Blanchard A, Highsmith RC (2007) Amphipod prey of gray whales in the northern Bering Sea: changes in biomass and distribution. Deep-Sea Research II 54:2906-2918
Bluhm BA, Gradinger R, Piraino S (2007) First record of sympagic hydroids (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) in Arctic coastal fast ice. Polar Biology 30:1557-1563
Bluhm BA, MacDonald IR, Debenham C, Iken K (2005) Macro- and megabenthic communities in the high Arctic Canada Basin: initial findings. Polar Biology (spec. issue) 28:218-231
Iken K, Bluhm BA, Gradinger R (2005) Food web structure in the high Arctic Canada Basin: evidence from d13C and d15N analysis. Polar Biology (spec. issue) 28:238-249
Gradinger RR, Bluhm BA (2004) In situ observations on the distribution and behavior of amphipods and Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) under the sea ice of the high Arctic Canadian Basin. Polar Biology 27:595-603
Bluhm BA, Brey T (2001) Age determination in the Antarctic shrimp Notocrangon antarcticus (Pfeffer, 1887) (Crustacea: Decapoda) using the autofluorescent pigment lipofuscin. Marine Biology 138:247-257
Bluhm BA, Brey T, Klages M, Arntz WE (2001) Occurrence of the autofluorescent pigment lipofuscin in polar crustaceans and its potential as an age marker. Polar Biology 24:642-649
Bluhm BA, Piepenburg D, v Juterzenka K (1998) Distribution, standing stock, growth, mortality and production of Strongylocentrotus pallidus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) in the northern Barents Sea. Polar Biology 20:325-334
Research interests
I have a strong interest in community ecology, biodiversity and population dynamics of benthic and sea ice-associated fauna. My research also focuses on coupling processes between the benthic, pelagic and sea ice realms in the Arctic through trophic interactions and life cycles. I am also interested in regional and pan-Arctic integration and biophysical linkages.
Other activities
Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring System
Working group Integrated Assessment Central Arctic Ocean
Subject editor Marine Biodiversity, guest editor various journals
Current projects
Nansen Legacy (Norwegian Research Council), also read https://sciencenorway.no/blog-nansen-legacy-project
Catchment to Coast (C2C) (Fram Center)
Sustainable development of the Arctic Ocean SUARCO (Fram Center)
Arctic Seasonal Ice Zone Ecology (Norwegian Government, UiT), see exhibition
Long-term monitoring of a subtidal hard-bottom benthic community
TUNU East Greenland Ecology
Kitikmeot Sea Science Study (Polar Knowledge Canada)
Recent projects
Arctic Ocean ecosystems - Applied technology, Biological interactions and Consequences in an era of abrupt climate change, Arctic ABC (Norwegian Research Council)
Long-term Benthos Monitoring network for detecting chance in the Arctic benthic ecosystem (LTM-Benthos) (Nordic Council of Ministries)
Impact of chemosynthetic carbon sources in marine food webs at Arctic cold seeps (VISTA)
The quest for the pole: Are southern species already capable of invading the Barents Sea? (Fram Center) Watch outreach video
A knowledge platform for industrial macroalgae cultivation, MACROSEA (Norwegian Research Council)
BIO2513 Marine biodiversity, spring (Bachelor course)
BIO 3015/8020 Arctic Marine System Ecology, høst (Master and PhD course)
Contributing to:
BIO 3009 Arctic Marine Pollution
BIO1105 Introduction to Biology
Current UiT students
Snorre Flo - Diet assessment in small Arctic invertebrates using molecular tools (PhD, co-advisor, 2019-present)
Amalia Keck - Climate effects in coastal ecosystems (PhD, 2021-present)
Joel Wernstrøm - Benthic metazoan meiofauna of the Barents Sea (PhD, 2022 - present)
Ida Søhol - Characterizing Ridge fauna in the Central Arctic Ocean (MSc, 2024 - present)
Committe member outside of UiT for
Thibaud Combaz, Univ. Laval Canada (PhD, 2023-present)
Recent past students
Hanna Dinevik - Age and growth of the Arctic brittle star Ophiopleura borealis (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) (MSc, 2024)
Frederike Hoppmann - Effects of river runoff on intertidal benthic communities, biodiversity and food webs (MSc, 2024)
Eric Jorda Molina, Nord University - Spatio-temporal dynamics of soft-bottom macrobenthic communities in a rapidly changing Arctic: a case study of the Northwestern Barents Sea (PhD, 2023)
Ivan Cautain, Univ. of the Highlands and Islands, SAMS - Investigating the importance of different sources of organic matter as food for the benthos on three Arctic shelves (PhD, 2023)
Raphaelle Descoteaux - Life cycles of benthic invertebrates in the seasonal ice zone (PhD, 2022), winner of Forker Grand Prix in Tromsø 2020, now post-doc at UNIS
Irina Zhulay - Arctic deep sea benthos: Biodiversity, food web, and biological and functional traits (PhD, 2022), now post-doc at UiB
Erin Kunisch - Biological adaptations in Arctic sea ice biota (PhD, 2022), now post-doc at NTNU
Nathalie Calvet - Distribution changes of marine gastropods in the Barents Sea over the last century (MS, 2023)
Liova Idahl - Functional composition of epibenthos in tidal passages in the Canadian Northwest Passage (BA thesis, 2021)
Lauren Sutton, University of Alaska Fairbanks (PhD, 2022)
Sanna Matsson - Biofouling on cultivated seaweed: Latitudinal variation along the Norwegian coast and underlying mechanisms (PhD, 2021), now at Mørefoskning
Recent post-docs
Amanda Ziegler - Food web structure in the Barents Sea (2021-2023), now at Akvaplan-niva
Emmelie Åstrøm - Chemosynthetic carbon in Barents Sea food webs, now at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Member of research group
Member of project
Since 2014 Professor, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
2014-2020 Affiliate Faculty, School of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), USA
2001-2014 Research Assistant-Associate-Full Professor, School of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences, UAF
PhD 2000 Marine Biology, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar & Marine Research and University of Bremen, Germany
MS 1997 Zoology, Institute for Polar Ecology, Kiel University, Germany
Current projects
Nansen Legacy (Norwegian Research Council), also read https://sciencenorway.no/blog-nansen-legacy-project
Catchment to Coast (C2C) (Fram Center)
Sustainable development of the Arctic Ocean SUARCO (Fram Center)
Arctic Seasonal Ice Zone Ecology (Norwegian Government, UiT)
Long-term monitoring of a subtidal hard-bottom benthic community
TUNU East Greenland Ecology
Kitikmeot Sea Science Study (Polar Knowledge Canada)
Recent projects
Arctic Ocean ecosystems - Applied technology, Biological interactions and Consequences in an era of abrupt climate change, Arctic ABC (Norwegian Research Council)
Long-term Benthos Monitoring network for detecting chance in the Arctic benthic ecosystem (LTM-Bentho) (Nordic Council of Ministries)
A knowledge platform for industrial macroalgae cultivation, MACROSEA (Norwegian Research Council)