Victoria V. Tevlina,
Jens Petter Nielsen,
Bjarge Schwenke Fors,
Marianne Neerland Soleim,
Anne Figenschou
Academic organization, coordination and program preparation of the international seminar, Oslo Litteraturhuset, IV Juleseminar 2022 «Den Nordlige Sjørute – er den liv laga?». Seminar i anledning utgivelsen av boka «From Northeast Passage to Northern Sea Route. A History of the Waterway North of Eurasia» (editors: Jens Petter Nielsen, Edwin Okhuizen. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2022). 3 December 2022 (
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Bjarge Schwenke Fors,
Anne Figenschou
Coordination, preparation of the program in Norwegian, English and Russian of the International scientific-practical seminar with the Administration of the Pechenga municipality district and Museum of Local Lore of the Pechenga municipality district «The Second World War and the Partisan Movement in the North», 22 October 2021
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Bjarge Schwenke Fors,
Anne Figenschou
Coordination and preparation of the program for the Lørdagsseminar “Partisanene i Nord-Norge under andre verdenskrig», 27 November 2021 (Grenselandmuseet, Kirkenes)
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Bjarge Schwenke Fors,
Anne Figenschou
Coordination and organisation of the Grenseseminar 2021 "Det norsk-russiske grenselandet i nord: Fortid og nåtid" (Kirkenes, Sør-Varanger Municipality Library, 7 October 2021)
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Jens Petter Nielsen,
Anne Figenschou
TIL BESTE FOR DET NORSK-RUSSISKE NABOSKAP. KONSULER OG KONSULATVESEN I NORDOMRÅDENE. Academic organization and coordination of the international seminar. Kirkenes, 19 October 2018
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Jens Petter Nielsen,
Marianne Neerland Soleim,
Anne Figenschou
Christmas seminar 2018 “Russland, Norge og nordområdene. Relasjoner gjennom århundrer” («Russia, Norway and the North. Relations through the centuries»). Academic organization and coordination of the international seminar, Oslo, 8 December 2018