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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Konferanser
Jakobsen, Maria
Staff JurfakLoe, Lene Therese Evensen
Faculty of LawNyhus, Hanne Charlotte Fronth
Nursing and Further Education in NarvikWorking environment / Learning environment / Psycho-social working environment / Conferences / Photo / Infocentre / Corporate social responsibility / Maps / Illustration / Public relations / Copy editing / Competence development / Cultural and social activites / Pension / Welfare loan / Translation / Animation / Flexible learning / Outreach/dissemination / Canvas / Cristin / Learning strategies / Facilitated examination / Quality of education / Alma / Library / Databases / E-books / Literature search / Journals / Reference and citation Tools / Clinic / Patient reception
ePhorte / Outreach/dissemination / Collaboration / Communication / Conferences / Web publishing / Social media / Fee / Travel / Purchasing / Ordering system / Purchaser
Mortensen, Signe
Research, Education and Communication Section Jurfak+4777645581
Events / Mail room / HSE Facilitation / E-mail / Promotional items / Purchasing / Human resources administration / Infocentre / Conferences