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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Innkjøper

Hansen, Carina Sandvik

Senior Executive Advisor
Enhet for administrative tjenester HSL

Håkonsen, Merethe Berger

Section Manager/ Procurement Manager
Procurement Section

Andersen, Nina Kristine

Management and administration UMAK

Andreassen, Marita

Enhet for administrative tjenester HSL

Schille-Rognmo, Marthe

Assistant professor and phd-candidate IHO Narvik
Nursing and Further Education in Narvik
Works with:
Evaluation / Teaching / Academic supervision / Purchasing / Purchaser Research interests:

STS, Ungdata, Knowledge production, Psychometrics, Mental health 

Figenschou, Lena

Faculty administration at Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics
Works with:
Purchasing / Purchaser / Invoices / VAT / Voucher

Sriharan, Juhan

Financial and Organization Section Helsefak

Okan, Jorunn Maria

Procurement Adviser
Procurement Section

Goryacheva, Irina

Enhet for administrative tjenester HSL

Entner, Kristoffer Leopold

Enhet for administrative tjenester HSL
Teorifagsbygget Hus 4 TEO-H4 4.358

Forslund, Monica

Advisor - Department of Building, Energy and Material Technology
Enhet for administrative tjenester IVT

Fredriksson, Stein

Enhet for administrative tjenester HSL