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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Reise
Heimland, Gøril
Enhet for administrative tjenester BFEVoucher / Budget / Invoices / Accounts / Finance / Advance / Fee / Reimbursement / Travel
Dahl, Lotte
Library AdministrationPurchasing / Invoices / Fire safety / Administrative IT services / Absence / Sick leave / Computer glasses / Reimbursement / Travel / Fee
Brekmo, Unn-Heidi
Pay and HR Services SectionHoliday / Absence / Salary / Travel / External work / Sick leave / Registration of work hours / Advance / Fire safety / Computer glasses / Guest registration
Bentz, Tore Børseth
Enhet for instituttadministrasjonStrømmesen, Ingunn
Recruitment SectionManagement support / Health, safety and environment (HSE) / Announcements / Appointments / Human resources administration / Travel
Torsteinsen, Bjørn
Department of Health and Care SciencesContracts / Management support / ePhorte / Common Student System (FS) / Programme descriptions / Timetabling / Invoices / Travel / Teaching / Canvas / Courses / Student and academic administration / TP / Purchasing
ePhorte / Outreach/dissemination / Collaboration / Communication / Conferences / Web publishing / Social media / Fee / Travel / Purchasing / Ordering system / Purchaser
Forslund, Monica
Advisor - Department of Building, Energy and Material TechnologyEnhet for administrative tjenester IVT
Ordering system / Purchaser / Management support / Payment / Accounts / Budget / Invoices / Purchasing / Guest registration / Travel