
Department of Physics and Technology

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Department of Physics and Technology is one of six departments on the Faculty of Science and Technology. The main activities of the department is research, education and research communication in physics and technology. The department offers bachelor, master and Ph.D education and the tuition is research-based and there are specialization opportunities within every research area we have at the department. The following are the research areas we cover at Department of Physics and Technology:

  • Renewable Energy
  • Ultrasound, Microwaves and Optics
  • Modelling of Complex Systems
  • Spacephysics
  • Machinelearning and Statistics
  • Earthobservation

Department of Physics and Technology educates integrated engineers, physisists and technologists to work in private businesses, public offices and research. Here, we have the following programs:

  • Climate and Earth observation – Integrated master
  • Renewable energy – Integrated master
  • Space Physics (Romfysikk) – Integrated master
  • Applied Physics and Mathematics (Anvendt fysikk og matematikk) – Integrated master
  • Bachelor – Physics
  • Master – Physics

Employees at Department of Physics and Technology:



21st International EISCAT Symposium 2024

29. juli     09:00     Hansine Hansens veg 74, 9019 Tromsø     Tromsø