Open Distributed Systems (ODS)
The research within the ODS group is focused on middleware in general, with interoperability and adaptability issues in particular.
Description of research activities
The research in the Open Distributed Systems (ODS) group is centered around middleware that facilitates the construction of distributed applications of various kinds, with an emphasis on interoperability and adaptability issues. The group focuses on support for next-generation applications, mobility, composition-based web applications, real-time collaboration, information exchange, analysis of data and combination of information from multiple sources. Specific issues include adaptability, context-awareness, personalization, semantic-based information management, applied security, privacy, services orchestration, collaborative editing, consistency and reliability. Recent activities have included IoT and environmental friendly transportation, personalization, privacy aware computation of user data, and mobile business infrastructures.
Research groups at Department of Computer Science:
Center for Artificial Intelligence (CAI)