Center for Artificial Intelligence (CAI)
The Center for Artificial Intelligence, CAI, investigates new ways of building intelligent computer systems and autonomous intelligent systems, using, among many techniques, data analytics, decision-support and decision-making with reasoning. Our aim is to push the limits further in terms of scalability, efficiency, robustness, security, dependability, autonomy, and real-time capabilities.
Research topics
- System architectures for data capturing, managing, processing and real-time feedback
- Efficient artificial intelligence (AI) for cyber-physical systems (CPS) cognition, automation and optimization
- Scalable analytical systems for monitoring based on multimodal time series
- Multimodal sensor network systems enabling distributed health observatories
- Detection of complex patterns in multidimensional spatial and temporal data
- Visualization and exploration of heterogeneous datasets
- Intelligent systems enabling critical event predictions
- Efficient big data analytical systems
- Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical System (CPS ) related analytics for different infrastructures, i.e., health, manufacturing, transportation, energy, buildings and different environmental matters
Selected projects
- Robust systems: Robust decision-making in autonomous cyber-physical systems
- Sense services raw data analysis in the NUDGE project
- VirtualStain: AI solutions to virtually stain label-free cell and tissue images for studying cardiovascular diseases of fish and mammals
- OrganVision: Real-time visualizing and modelling of fundamental process in living organoids towards new insights into organ-specific health, disease, and recovery
- IDUN - from PhD to professor: Gender balance in top research positions at the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Connected projects
- Physical activity research in Fit Futures, Tromsø Study, German National Cohort
- Sensor-based distributed arctic observatory in COAT Tools
- Energy informatics research in the ARC center for renewable energy
Connected journal
- NMI Nordic Machine Intelligence Journal (Editor-In-chief, Editors and Reviewers)
- Anne Håkansson, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence AI, Director of CAI
- Dilip Prasad, Computer Science, Bio-AI
- Alexander Horsch, Computer Science, Bio-AI, CADe/CADx, Physical Activity
- Randi Karlsen, Computer Science, Open Distributed Systems
- Anders Andersen, Computer Science, Open Distributed Systems
- Weihai Yu, Computer Science, Open Distributed Systems
Ph.D. students:
- Jo Inge Arnes, Computer Science, Bio-AI
- Rohit Agarwal Computer Science, Bio-AI
- Yigit Can Dundar, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence AI
- Abhinanda Punnakkal, Computer Science, Bio-AI
- Ayush Somani, Computer Science, Bio-AI
- Muhammad Sulaiman Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence AI
- Bernt Arild Bremdal, Computer Science and Computational Engineering, UIT Narvik.
- Aya Saad, Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU, Trondheim
- Michael Alexander Riegler, Cyber-Security Group, IFI, UIT
- Dag Johansen, Cyber-Security Group, IFI, UIT
- Håvard D. Johansen, Cyber-Security Group, IFI, UIT
- John Markus Bjørndalen, Computer Science, Cyber-Physical Systems, IFI, UIT Tromsø
- Otto Anshus, Computer Science, Cyber-Physical Systems, IFI, UIT Tromsø
- Chiara Bordin, Computer Science, Arctic Green Computing, IFI, UIT Tromsø
- Hoai Phuong Ha, Computer Science, Arctic Green Computing, IFI, UIT Tromsø
- Sameline Grimsgaard, Samfunnsmedisin, UIT Tromsø
- UiT Computer Science Department, research groups ODS, CPS, AGC,
- UiT Medical Faculty, the research group “Physical Activity and Public Health”
- Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU
- Technical University Munich, Department of Computer Science
This research group addresses the Computer Science body of Artificial Intelligence defined as "the study of solutions for problems that are difficult or impractical to solve with traditional methods [...]
The solutions [...] deal with sensing (e.g. speech recognition, natural language understanding, computer vision), problem-solving (e.g., search, planning), and acting (e.g., robotics) and the architectures needed to support them (e.g., agents, multi-agents)." ACM/IEEE, 2013
Research groups at Department of Computer Science:
Center for Artificial Intelligence (CAI)