Siri Sollied Madsen,
Heidi Iren Saure,
Marit Helene Lie,
Aleksander Janeš,
Andreja Klančar,
Rita Brito
et al.:
Pathway Analysis of the Dynamics of Teacher Educators’ Professional Digital Competence
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Hanne Merete Hestvik Kleiven,
Sissel Mørreaunet,
Yngve Antonsen,
Betty Steinsvik
Nasjonal lederutdanning for styrere i barnehagen – en arena for kvalifisering, sosialisering og subjektivering
Nordisk barnehageforskning 2024
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Thomas Bjørner
Mixed methods: det dynamiske og komplekse møtet mellom kvalitative og kvantitative perspektiver
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Johanna Birkeland,
Jorunn Spord Borgen
Mixed methods som utgangspunkt for barnehagefaglig forskning
Linda Hjemgård Johansen,
Tor-Egil Nilsen,
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Svein-Erik Andreassen
Primary School Students’ Relations to Physical Education in Northern Norway: Why Do Some Find the Subject Problematic?
Nils Christian Tveiterås,
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Torstein Unstad,
Maria Dardanou,
Helge Habbestad
Profesjonsfaglig digital kompetanse i barnehagelærerutdanningene – oversettelser fra nasjonale styringsdokumenter til lokale studieplaner. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V?
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Jane O’Connor,
Aleksander Janeš,
Andreja Klančar,
Rita Brito,
Nataliia Demeshkant
et al.:
International Perspectives on the Dynamics of Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers’ Digital Competences
Aleksander Janeš,
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Heidi Iren Saure,
Marit Helene Lie,
Beate Eltarvåg Gjesdal,
Steinar Thorvaldsen
et al.:
Preliminary Results from Norway, Slovenia, Portugal, Turkey, Ukraine, and Jordan: Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Expected Use of Digital Technology When Becoming Teachers
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Torstein Unstad,
Nils Christian Tveiterås,
Maria Dardanou,
Helge Habbestad,
Lukas Kosner
Planverkets blindsone? En analyse av profesjonsfaglig digital kompetanse i emneplanbeskrivelser for barnehagelærerutdanning
Nordisk barnehageforskning 2023
Nataliia Demeshkant,
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Aleksander Janeš,
Andreja Klančar,
Rita Brito,
Sami Konca
et al.:
What digital tools teachers are ready to use in kindergarten – international comparative study with early childhood pre-service teachers
Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education 2023
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Steinar Thorvaldsen
Implications of the imposed and extensive use of online education in an early childhood education program
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Helge Habbestad,
Iris Borch
Valuable unintended learning outcomes when practicum for student teachers in kindergartens is carried out online
Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education 2022
Nils Christian Tveiterås,
Siri Sollied Madsen
From Tools to Complexity? - A systematic Literature Analysis of Digital Competence Among Preservice Teachers in Norway
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Steinar Thorvaldsen,
Sissel Sollied
Are Teacher Students’ Deep Learning and Critical Thinking at Risk of Being Limited in Digital Learning Environments?
Siri Sollied Madsen
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Segei Krasin,
H. Krasina,
Y. Khodykina
Cross-sectional studies of Ukrainian and Norwegian pre-service early childhood education teachers’ digital practices
Steinar Thorvaldsen,
Siri Sollied Madsen
Decoding the Digital Gap in Teacher Education: Three Perspectives across the Globe
Steinar Thorvaldsen,
Siri Sollied Madsen
Perspectives on the tensions in teaching with technology in Norwegian teacher education analysed using Argyris and Schön’s theory of action
Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education 2020
Siri Sollied Madsen
Understandings and attitudes regarding skill-based and competency-based cultures for learning: a comparative study of Norwegian and New Zealand teacher educators
Educational Research for Policy and Practice 2020
Siri Sollied Madsen
What is the motivation of Norwegian and New Zealand teacher educators for using digital technology when teaching?
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) 2020
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Sara Archard,
Steinar Thorvaldsen
How different national strategies of implementing digital technology can affect teacher educators. A comparative study of teacher education in Norway and New Zealand
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Steinar Thorvaldsen
Conceptualising a Dynamic Technology Practice in Education Using Argyris and Schön's Theory of Action
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Steinar Thorvaldsen,
Sara Archard
Teacher educators’ perceptions of working with digital technologies.
Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 2018
Steinar Thorvaldsen,
Siri Sollied Madsen
The interaction between teacher educators and their students on the use of educational technology: Similarities and differences of attitudes, skills, and practice across a generational change
Siri Sollied Madsen
Karriereutvikling: Fra barnehagelærer til professor.
Siri Sollied Madsen
A blind spot in the curricula?
Helge Habbestad,
Siri Sollied Madsen
Barnehagelærerutdanninga i Tromsø.
50 år med lek og læring
Sissel Heidi Sollied,
Signhild Skogdal,
Siri Sollied Madsen
Når refleksjon og faglig skjønn abdiserer
Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 31. October 2022
Henriette Ludvigsen,
Torstein Unstad,
Betty Steinsvik,
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Sidsel Boldermo,
Pernille Elisabeth Bartnæs
et al.:
Om fargelegging, relasjoner og etikk i barnehage og skole
Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 2022
Helge Habbestad,
Betty Steinsvik,
Veronica Bergan,
Anne Myrstad,
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Marit L Sundelin
et al.:
Nøkkelkompetanse i utdanningen
Helge Habbestad,
Betty Steinsvik,
Veronica Bergan,
Anne Myrstad,
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Marit Sundelin
et al.:
Lovverket for barnehagene må endres
Siri Sollied Madsen
En vei mot å lede et internasjonalt forskningsnettverk
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Helge Habbestad
Online kindergarten practicum generated by the COVID-19 crisis
Siri Sollied Madsen
Attitudes, beliefs and online learning in Norway and Ukraine
Siri Sollied Madsen
International perspectives on the dynamics of pre-service early childhood teachers’ digital competencies
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Helge Habbestad,
Iris Borch
Correction: Valuable unintended learning outcomes when practicum for student teachers in kindergartens is carried out online (Education and Information Technologies, (2022), 10.1007/s10639-022-11135-z)
Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education 2022
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Nils Christian Tveiterås,
Torstein Unstad
An analysis of subject curricula in Norwegian early childhood teacher education considering formal requirement of professional digital competence
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Helge Habbestad
Tilrettelagt praksis - Studenters og praksislæreres perspektiver og erfaringer knyttet til digital praksis.
Siri Sollied Madsen
2020: A shift in practitioner attitudes towards digital technology as an educational resource
Siri Sollied Madsen
DigiCross - International research informing future development of educational curricula and policies
Siri Sollied Madsen
Early childhood education - dynamics of digital practices
Siri Sollied Madsen
Gode forutsetninger for å bli en lærende organisasjon med fokus på PfDK
Siri Sollied Madsen
Hvordan kan man skape rom i utdanning og barnehage for fokus på bærekraftige digital praksiser?
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Steinar Thorvaldsen,
Torstein Unstad
A sustainable future regarding digital technology in kindergartens – challenges and opportunities
Siri Sollied Madsen
Attitudes, use and competence regarding professional use of digital technology in early childhood education
Siri Sollied Madsen
Perspektiver på fagfornyelsen og ny overordnet del i kunnskapsløftet
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Øystein Lund,
Steinar Thorvaldsen
Om idealer og realiteter i lærerutdanningers bruk av digital teknologi. En komparativ studie av lærerutdanninger i Norge og New Zealand
Siri Sollied Madsen
Kritisk tenkning og dybdelæring
Siri Sollied Madsen,
Steinar Thorvaldsen
Conceptualising a Dynamic Technology Practice in Education Using Argyris and Schön’s Theory of Action
Steinar Thorvaldsen,
Siri Sollied Madsen
Hvordan vurderer lærerutdannere og lærerstudenter bruken av digitale verktøy?