Zoom meeting April 30th at 10am-1:30pm
10:00 am Welcome to workshop by UiT The Arctic University of Norway
FABLABS Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay)
RehabLos UiT The Arctic University of Norway
10:15 am Q&A “chat” UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Knowledge Exchange Fund Universität Hamburg (UHH)
The Circle Universidade do Porto (UPorto)
10:40 am Q&A “chat”
10:50 am Information about part 2, workshop UiT The Arctic University of Norway
11-11:20 am Break
11:20 Welcome back, introduction to the workshop UiT The Arctic University of Norway
11:30 am Workshop in breakout rooms
12:50 pm Presentation of the results and Q&A
1:20 pm Closing comments UiT The Arctic University of Norway