
UiT The Arctic University of Norway has a number og agreements regarding international cooperation and mobility. Agreements regaring student-mobility and -exchange are standardised and coordinated by the Unit for Internationalisation of Education. This concerns in particular the Erasmus+ programme and a number of exchange-programmes. Agreements regarding research-cooperation and researcher-mobility are normally handled by the Faculties. |
The central administrative units: the Department of Academic Affairs, the Department of Research and Development, and the Department of Human Resources and Organisation asisst in developing agreements within their respective fields. |
Overviews of cooperation agreements at UiT are from 06.04.2018 published at UiT webpages. Priority has peen put on agreements for outgoing student exchange and these are published on open web:
Outgoing student exchange.
To access the overviews of agreements for research cooperation, mobility for UiT-staff and tools for follow-up of the agreement-portfolio you need to log in. Work is ongoing both for developing tools and to register agreements. Currently, the following overviews are available:
- Institutions for outgoing student exchange, UiT studyprogramme. Filters can be applied for institution, UiT studyprogramme and country.
- Institutions for outgoing student exchange, alphabetic. Filters can be applied for institution and country.
- Click on one institution in these lists will display UiT-studyprogramme and agreements (log in) connected to that institution.
- Agreements, sorted by UiT unit (log in). Filters can be applied for agreement title, ID-number, support programme and UiT unit.
- Agreements, sorted by support programme (log in). Filters can be applied for agreement title, ID-number, support programme.
- Click on one agreement in these lists (log in) will display UiT-studyprogramme, institution and other information connected to that agreement.
Note that the lists currently only displays agreements that are active (not expired) and which are marked for publishing in FS. An instruction-booklet will be avalilable shortly.

Guide: International agreements (in Norwegian)
Template: MoU International agreements
Template: Consortium agreement

UiTs avtaler for studentutveksling: Bachelor og Master
International projects in education
Guide: International agreements (in Norwegian)
Checklist: Agreements for student exchange (in Norwegian)
Telephone: +47 77 64 40 00
UiT The Arctic University of Norway - SIS 6050 Langnes
NO-9037 TROMSØ, Norway
Visiting in Tromsø:
Øvre Lysthus, Huginbakken 11
2.level, Offices 201 - 209