
Welcome to Ekologos - our Global Environmental Humanities Initiative!
Ekologos engages pedagogically with the critical climate changes affecting the Arctic, South America, South Asia, and Himalayan regions. Through student and staff exchanges, and collaborative research initiatives, our aim is to critically engage and amplify the voices of local and indigenous communities, and those who are disproportionately impacted by climate change
Екологас engages academically with important climate changes affecting the Arctic, South America, South Asia and Himalayan regions, aiming to, through student and staff exchanges and collaborative research projects, local and indigenous communities and ক্র্য়া প্র্ত্র্তা স্য়্তান নায়ান হান্য়ান হান, উুন লুক্য কিয়া কাধান্ন I
Ekologos engasjerer seg pedagogisk med de kritiske klimaendringene som påvirker Arktis, Sør-Amerika, Sør-Asia og Himalaya-regionene. Gjennom utveksling av studenter og ansatte og samarbeidende forskningsinitiativer, er vårt mål å kritisk engasjere og forsterke stemmene til lokale og urfolkssamfunn, og de som er uforholdsmessig påvirket av klimaendringer.
Ekologos busca abordar pedagogicamente as drásticas mudanças climáticas que afetam o Ártico, a América do Sul, o Sul da Ásia e regiões do Himalaia. Por meio de intercâmbios de estudantes e pesquisadores e iniciativas de pesquisa, nosso objetivo é construir um conhecimento colaborativo e amplificar vozes das comunidades locais e indígenas e daqueles que foram desproporcionalmente afetados pelas mudanças climáticas.
Ekologos is a collaborative project funded by the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education, coordinated by UiT The Arctic University of Norway; the Institute of Marine Research, Norway; the State University of Campinas UNICAMP, Brazil; RV University, Bangalore; Doctors For You, Mumbai; and the Highland Institute, Nagaland.
Join us as we work together to strengthen higher education for a sustainable future, facilitate mutual student and staff exchanges, develop innovative research projects, organize winter/summer schools, build artistic works in collaboration with local artists, and create a multinational master's program in Global Environmental Humanities.
Explore our website to learn more about our objectives, project goals, and how you can get involved.