Senior advisor, Speech-Language Therapist
0047 95166836
Hilda Sønsterud is a speech-language therapist (SLT) and a clinical researcher (PhD) in Norway. Hilda is a certified European Fluency Specialist (EFS), and she works primarily with treatment and clinical research related to stuttering and cluttering. She runs workshops and courses within the field of fluency disorders, and she is lecturing and providing supervision at four universities in Norway: University of Tromsø, University of Science and Technology (Trondheim), Nord University (Bodø) and University of Oslo. Her PhD-project at the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, entitled “Stuttering therapy; What works for whom?” is a wider-ranging treatment study of individualized stuttering management tailored to the participants’ personal goals and preferences. The therapy format was grounded in practice-based evidence, and in context-sensitive considerations of what makes a difference to a particular person at a particular time point. Hilda has investigated the therapeutic alliance within stuttering therapy, and she is particularly engaged by how clinical research within the field of fluency disorders are defining evidence. Hilda is an international representative for the International Cluttering Association (ICA) in Norway.