Listening under development (Lytting under utvikling) - LUT


Associate Professor
Associate Professor

Ingrid C. Nordli (Project manager)

Associate Professor
Associate Professor

Annfrid Rosøy Steele

Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor

Henriette Ludvigsen

Barnehagelærer og pedagogisk leder (Educational leader)
Barnehagelærer og pedagogisk leder (Educational leader)

Kristian Skog

Barnehagelærer og daglig leder (CEO)
Barnehagelærer og daglig leder (CEO)

Gry Nordhus Eriksen

Pensjonert førsteamanuensis (Retired Associate Professor)
Pensjonert førsteamanuensis (Retired Associate Professor)

Olaf Husby

CEO of The Listening School, Lagos, Nigera
CEO of The Listening School, Lagos, Nigera

Ebele Chukwujama

Certified Listening Professional and Speech Language Pathologist, Washington DC
Certified Listening Professional and Speech Language Pathologist, Washington DC

Marva Shand-McIntosh

President of Grau Interpersonal Communication, Michigan
President of Grau Interpersonal Communication, Michigan

Jennifer M. Grau