Postdoctoral and Young Researcher Organization

PYRO application writing course 2024

We are very happy to announce the application writing course that will start this year and go through the entire spring semester. The course aims to provide training and guidance on how to write a successful grant application

Dear Young Researchers


We are very happy to announce the application writing course that will start this year and go through the entire spring semester. The course aims to provide training and guidance on how to write a successful grant application. The course will include lectures, group work, and peer-reviewing both between the participants themselves and by scientific reviewers from the Faculty of Health Sciences and UNN.  The course will be highly interactive and require input and engagement from the participants.


Topics include CV, application writing, budget, and the course will include personal feedback on the research hypothesis and written application. The goal is to have an application ready to submit by September this year. While it is not a requirement that you have to submit the application in 2024, there is an upper limit of 20 participants. If more than 20 members sign up, priority will be given to postdocs and other post PhD young researchers who are planning going to submit an application in 2024. If you are a late-stage PhD who is thinking about applying for a Postdoc grant, please apply as well. Please feel free to forward this email to others in the health faculty who did not receive it.


Registration link:

Closing date: 20 Feb 2024