Strategic Planning for Water Resources, Development and Implementation of Novel Biotechnical Treatment Solutions and Good Practices

2nd International Conference On RIVER HEALTH: ASSESSMENT TO RESTORATION (RHAR 2021) Oct. 22-24, 2021, IIT (BHU) Varanasi

Talks of the Tributaries : Rivers Varuna and Assi in the Middle Ganga Basin,

For more information about the Rivers and the basin, click  here 

Brief Note_Varuna and Assi_13102021.pdf (uit.no)

For Program click here 

 RHAR_Tentative Programme_20102021.pd)f (uit.no

Please follow the link for joining on Friday 22 Oct 2021

Session 1  10AM-1:30 PM (IST)


Session  2   2.30 PM- 5.30 PM (IST) 


For registration visit to website: http://www.rhar.in