Spring EU India project
Meeting on India-EU Water Projects on Research Innovation, New Delhi, 14-15 February 2019
The SPRING project has 14 partners, 6 based in Europe and 8 based in India. The partners are:
UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, is the coordinator of the project. It is the third-largest in Norway and the northernmost university of the world. The Arctic is of increasing global importance. Climate change, the exploitation of Arctic resources and environmental threats are topics of great public concern, and in which the university takes a particular interest. At UiT The Arctic University of Norway, you can explore global issues from a close-up perspective. Research is on the issues relating to climate change, marine biology and function of marine food webs ice-covered Arctic waters, atmospheric icing, permafrost, arctic infra-structure, renewable energy topics of electrical engineering, civil engineering topics and many more. University has campuses in various places within the Arctic region including a Research station in Svalbard. Currently, 15500 students and 3300 staff study and work at different campuses of the university. The eight faculties of the university offer, a broad range of study programmes. All teaching is research-based. The academic community is highly international. More than 20% of the academic staff and 10% of the student body are from abroad. All faculties offer English taught courses at both bachelor’s and master’s level.
The Department of building, energy and material technology at the Engineering Faculty at Narvik Campus is coordinating and participating in the research activities of SPRING. For more information:
Rajnish K Calay
Professor & Head of Research Group
Institute for Building Energy and Materials Technology
UiT Norway’s Arctic University
Narvik Campus
Lodve langes gt 2; Narvik 8514
Phone: +47 76966118
The Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, the sixth member of the IIT fraternity, is a public engineering institution established by the Government of India in 1994. Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati's campus is on a sprawling 285 hectares plot of land on the north bank of the river Brahmaputra. With the majestic Brahmaputra on one side, and with hills and vast open spaces on others, the campus provides an ideal place for learning. The academic programme of IIT Guwahati commenced in 1995. At present, the Institute has eleven departments and five interdisciplinary academic centres covering all the major engineering, science and humanities disciplines, offering B. Tech., B. Des., M. A., M. Des., M. Tech., M. Sc. and Ph. D. programmes. IIT Guwahati has world class infrastructure for carrying out advanced research and is equipped with state-of-the-art scientific and engineering instruments. Extensive research facility and infrastructure has been developed to support the ongoing teaching and research initiatives. The departments/centres imparts quality education and provides an excellent research environment through its ongoing programmes. The department/centres has faculty members from diverse streams and specializations. The Institute conveys training for students to make them competent, motivated engineers and scientists. The campus is laid out with beautiful lakes, parks, playgrounds, big auditoriums, students' hostels, residential zones for faculty and staff members, health centre, cultural-cum-social and recreational zones for campus community. For more information:
Dr. Sanjukta Patra
Department of Biotechnology
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
Phone: +91 (0361) 258 2213
LAB: +91 (0361) 258 4244
The University of Pécs is an institution of higher education in Hungary. Although the year 1367 appears in the seal of the university, it is not a successor of the medieval university founded in Pécs in 1367 by Louis I of Hungary. More than 20,000 students presently attend the University of Pécs, approximately 4,000 of whom are international students studying in English or German. UP is focusing on education and research on different fields like medical, natural, technical and economical sciences. Major research topics of the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology range from species characterization, through epidemiology, to diagnostic developments. The department is well equipped with broad range of instrumentation making researches possible ranging from classical microbiology to molecular biology. For more information:
Dr. Schneider, György
Senior Lecturer
Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
The Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur is a public engineering institution established by the Government of India in 1951 at Kharagpur, West Bengal, India. This is probably one of the very few Institutions in the World which started its journey in a prison house. It is the first and largest of 23 members of IIT family, and is recognized as an Institute of National Importance by the Government of India. Among all IITs, IIT Kharagpur has the largest campus (2100 acres), maximum departments, and the highest student enrolment. IIT Kharagpur has 19 academic departments, eight multi-disciplinary centres/schools, and 13 schools of excellence along-with more than 25 central research and development units. The Institute presently offers B. Tech. (Hons.) program in seventeen different branches of Engineering, B. Arch. (Hons) program in Architecture, fifteen Dual Degree programs, seven Integrated M. Sc. programs, four two-year Joint M. Sc. - Ph. D. programs, fifty-one Postgraduate degree programs leading to Joint M. Tech. / MCP-Ph. D., MBM, MHRM, LLB and MMST degrees. Industry-institute participation in R&D is given highest priority, and has resulted in transferring of technologies in the country/abroad. The campus is lush green, calm, and quiet, an ideal temple for education and research. The campus is laid out with a beautiful lake, green parks, huge playgrounds, big auditoriums, students' hostels, residential zones for faculty and staff members, health centre, cultural-cum-social and recreational zones for campus community, all of which makes it a lovable place to thrive in. For more information:
Prof. Ramkrishna Sen
Department of Biotechnology
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Phone (office) +91 (03222) 283752
The Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC) is a research & development institute located on the campus of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Portugal). INESC TEC is a private non-profit association, recognised as a Public Interest Institution and has been an Associate Laboratory since 2002. The purpose of INESC TEC is to act as an interface between the academic world, the world of industry and services and the public administration in Information Technologies, Telecommunications and Electronics (ITT&E). INESC TEC invests in Scientific Research and Technological Development, as well as in Advanced Training and Consulting, Technology Transfer and supports the Establishment of new Technology-based Companies. Present in 6 sites in the cities of Porto, Braga and Vila Real, INESC TEC incorporates 13 R&D Centres and one Associate Unit with complementary competences, always looking to the international market. INESC TEC brings together more than 700 researchers, of which around 350 have PhDs. For more information:
Dr Aníbal Matos
Centre Coordinator
Centre for Robotics And Autonomous Systems
Phone: +351228340554
Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) Varanasi (abbreviated Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi or IIT (BHU) Varanasi) is a public technical and research university located in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. Founded in 1919 as the Banaras Engineering College, it became the Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University in 1968. It was designated an Indian Institute of Technology in 2012. IIT (BHU) Varanasi has 16 departments, 3 inter-disciplinary schools and 1 Humanities & Social Sciences Section. IIT (BHU) is pioneer in the research of water treatment technologies, ground water modelling and development of spatial decision support system (SDSS) for environment problems. IIT (BHU) will take the task to model contamination transportation in ground water, develop SDSS for taking decision related to social and environmental issues related to water pollution. IIT (BHU) has infrastructure needed for testing of water quality parameters related to project. IIT (BHU) has software for Groundwater modelling, GIS and image processing. It has well developed IT infrastructure. IIT BHU can help to provide the pilot cite in their own campus to fulfil the water demand of student hostels and faculty houses. More information:
Dr. Prabhat Kumar Singh
Department of Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute Technology (BHU)
Phone: +91 542 -2307016(29)
SINTEF Narvik has a flexible, cross-disciplinary approaches for performing applied research to support the sustainability of industry and businesses in Northern Norway. SINTEF Narvik performs technology-based research development and produces knowledge with practical applicability relevant to the High North. The institute performs research commissions for both private and public sectors. SINTEF Narvik has research departments focusing on Infrastructure (structural engineering, material technology), Arctic Technology (ice mechanics, oil in ice/spill, applied arctic technology), Process and Environmental Technology (including renewable energy) and Railway Technology. More information:
Nga Phuong Dang
PhD. Senior Research Scientist
Tel: +47 48190323
Sagi Rama Krishnam Raju Engineering College was established in 1980 and is amongst the oldest private engineering colleges of the Telugu Speaking States. The college started with three core branches of Engineering and today offers 8 undergraduate programmes and 6 Master Programmes. Ph.D. research can be pursued in all 6 core branches of engineering as well as the Department of Basic Sciences and Mathematics. Through out its existence, the college has earned highest level rankings for a private institution in government accreditations such as NBA, NAAC, ARIA etc., It has also been a favourite in education surveys due to its excellent campus atmosphere and placement record. Local and regional governments look up to the college for technical advisory on policy matters. The Civil Engineering Department has worked on collaborative research projects concerning land and environment management using Geospatial Technologies. The projects have been carried out under the auspices of WET Research Centre (Water and Environment Technology Research Centre) and an interdisciplinary team drawn from different departments of the college. The research projects have come out with Kolleru Lake Information Centre, District Resource Information Centre, Delta Research Extension Centre that showcase the insights drawn from various interdisciplinary work carried out by the college. The SPRING project strengthens and extends the work carried out by the WET Research Centre in the past by intertwining the Geospatial and Water Analysis components to assess the vulnerability of population to drinking water resource shortage and pollution in the future. The college in general and the WET Centre in particular has many international linkages to academic and research institutions. For more information:
Dr. P.A.R.K Raju,
Dean, R&D
Professor & Coordinator - WET(R) Centre
Department of Civil Engineering
S.R.K.R Engineering College
Phone: +91 9440891225
Dr.D.Y.Patil School of Engineering is one of the most prestigious academic groups in the state of Maharashtra which comes under the aegis of the Dr.D.Y.Patil Technical Campus. Dr.D.Y.Patil School of Engineering. Lohegoan(DYPSOE),Pune,was established in 2010 under DYPTC by the Chairman of D.Y.Patil Group honorable Dr. Ajeenkye D.Y.Patil. The Institute is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Government of Maharashtra DTE, Mumbai, UGC New Delhi and accredited by NAAC. The institute offers four UG Programs (B.E), three PG Programs (M.E) and two Diploma programs. The Institute is located in Lohegaon Pune, and is spread over an area of 100 acres interspersed with various sport facility, wellness centre a world class auditorium and lush green campus. The Institute has developed excellent infra-structural facilities with well-equipped laboratories and an enriched library. For more information:
Dr. Saniya Ansari,
Associate Professor,
Department of Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering,
D Y Patil School Of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Phone: +91-9730478086
Enviroinvest Corp. is a Hungarian SME, with a headquarters located in Pecs. It has a private research institute, the Enviroinvest Phagetherapy and Humadiagnostics Center. Its main research fields are bacteriophage therapy, nanotechnology, and metagenome analysis. Besides research and development, the company provides services for its clients, including next generation sequencing and bioinformatics. Our laboratory has been registered as a human diagnostics facility in microbiology. For more information, please visit our website:
Tamas Kovacs
PhD. Head of Phagetherapy and Hunandiagnostics Center
Tel: +36 308704527

Elixiir Ecobiotek is an Environmental Biotechnology based partnership SME, involved in providing low cost, sustainable solutions for water pollution abatement in India. The firm operates from a sufficiently equipped Laboratory. We have all the necessary facilities for isolation, screening, identification, strain improvement for microbes important to the Environmental sector. We also have a small pilot facility to manufacture microbial cultures, enzymes and other metabolites through fermentation. Our professional experiences cover the fields of environmental Pollution abatement through novel low cost equipment, enzymes and microbial bioremediation. We specialize in providing customized microbial consortia to meet the specific customer need to ensure complete and economic treatment of polluted waste water. The main activities of our firm are the planning and implementation of biological technologies, Research and development, planning and implementation of industrial Effluent Treatment plants, Reclamation of contaminated Aquaculture ponds, Lakes, Drinking water bodies and in-drain-treatment of sewage. Our aquaculture division works on the development and manufacture of Probiotics, Soil and water treatment microbes, Phytobiotic feed supplements.
V Narasimha Raju
Managing Director
Elixiir Ecobiotek
Krishna Pratap Varma
Elixiir Ecobiotek

Palavi team has been working independently as well as in participation with other agencies and have implemented significant programmes in rural as well as urban area on underpriviledged children education, water, environmental pollution, agriculture, health of Pune district of Maharashtra. The main thrust areas where NGO has been working in the field of ground water depletion, soil erosion and land degradation, reduction in species diversity and increase in the extent of wastelands. Some of the major programmes and joint initiatives taken and implemented; Integrated wasteland development programme (IWDP); Rain water harvesting; Rashtriya lifesaving society (INDIA) [RLSSI]. Palavi has also taken up several watershed programs in rural areas with activities such as; In situ soil and moisture conservation measures like terracing, bunding, trenching, vegetative barriers and drainage line treatment; planting and sowing of multi-purpose trees, shrubs, grasses, legumes and pasture land development; encouraging natural regeneration and promotion of agro-forestry and horticulture.
Dr (Colonel) Sultan Singh Malik
Palavi Trust
Geetai Apartment, 2nd floor, , B Wing,
PH-1, Dighi Road, Bhosari,
Pune; India
Phone : +91-8698101562
Finnish Water Forum (FWF) is a joint network of the private and public water sector in Finland, which was founded 2009 by five Finnish ministries working with water. FWF’s members’ expertise include consulting and engineering, research and education, monitoring and management, administration and development in all aspects of water. Through FWF, all this expertise is compiled into efficient and comprehensive solutions for solving global water challenges. FWF is a platform for cooperation and a contact point for any inquiries related to Finnish water knowledge with over 130 research institutes, universities, NGO´s and companies. More information:
Jaakko Kapanen
Senior Project Manager, M.Sc.
(main responsible for SPRING project)
Tel.: +358 40 731 3434
Kristian Kumlin
Project Manager, M.Sc.
Tel.: +358 50 304 2400
Topi Helle
Managing Director, D.Sc.
Tel.: +358 40 7381267
Bhimavaram Municipality is spread over 25.64Sq.kms in a serene verdant environment and is an important town in West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India. It is located at 16.50N 80.640E latitude and longitude. It is a major centre of aqua culture, trade, commerce, education and industries in the region. The town is rich in water resources owing to its many tanks and reservoirs. The proximity of the sea (20 km) and presence of aquaculture make the environment particularly humid in addition to the heat and summers are particularly harsh. The town is a hub of agro/aqua based industries i.e., Rice Mils, Ice factories, Fish and Prawns processing facilities etc., These are located near to the town resulting in migration of people from neighbouring villages thus accounting for springing up of slums in and around the town adding the burden of providing civic amenities in general and Storm Water Drainage in particular. The town was notified as a municipality in 1948 and upgraded to selection grade in 2011. The bifurcation of state in 2014 has changed the course of development here, with some settlers from Hyderabad returning to native villages and younger generations preferring to stay back and continue agriculture/aquaculture. The towns growth is thus in need of a paradigm shift in terms of water supply, sanitation and waste disposal. For more information:
Mr.Yadla Srinu
Phone: +91-9849906542