Whale research at UiT

Welcome to the whale research page of UiT! Here you can discover the projects we are working on, the science communication activities, and our students.

In the last few years, we've seen a great expansion of marine mammal research at UiT. This page highlights the efforts of researchers and students at the fisheries college (NFH) and the department of arctic marine biology (AMB), and shows how we strive to innovate and solve issues related to whale conservation in Northern Norway.

Project group


Ulf Lindstrøm


Audun Rikardsen (Project manager)

Here you will find an overview of the number of projects and students hosted by UiT in Tromsø, associated publications, and activities.

You can also sign up for the mailing list sMART (smart@list.uit.no) to get information on conference attendance, public student defenses (BSc, MSc, PhD), and new publications from Tromsø researchers. 

The page is administered by Sofia Aniceto (NFH) and Audun Rikardsen (AMB).

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
